
Haha I love how he makes eye contact with the camera while flailing like "MIND BLOWN"

Short version:

Well you've saved other "woman" the trouble of wasting ten years finding this out. For that we can be grateful.

I use recycled paper kitty litter and it's also flushable, though this is not recommended in some places - especially if your kitty carries toxoplasmosis. Human sewerage treatment plants do not usually treat for this, and it can result in wildlife like otters being exposed to disease.

This can cause it to find it's way into waterways, which causes a lot of damage. So no.

Thank you, she is doing much better. :)

2013 was shit for me (though I'm allowing myself to accept it was even shitter for a lot of people close to me). We got kicked out of our beautiful house, as the landlords decided to sell. At the same time I was applying for permanent work, so was suffering a rejection a day from houses and workplaces. In the end, the

It makes the same obnoxious noise as the ungodly Big Dog Robot when it moves. Plus the soundbites of "purr" and "meow" would be better if they were of actual cats and not just of someone making cat noises.

Yeah but, these are slightly different to wipes in that they actually dissolve upon contact with water (so watch out when you're walking the dog in the rain?). Also, I'm not down with putting dog (or any omni/carni) shit in my compost.

Because these ones are flushable. They are an improvement on the (still free) bread bags and produce bags - which I always use anyway, in a place where shopping bags are widely available. You don't need a full size shopping bag to pick up a dog shit, unless you own perhaps a Great Dane or a St Bernard.

I mean, I just use the bread and produce bags, but while we're being eco-friendly, let's get the flushables!!

Or buy these nifty thingies.

I just quit my job at a zoo in November. It really is just a job. You meet people all the time who gush that you just must have the best job EVAR, and it's like, you know what? I still have a jerk for a boss, I still have run-ins with my workmates, the pay is shit, no benefits, and working most weekends and holidays.

Wow, much compassion. Very empathy.

No, I'm going for the "I only read this article because I don't really give a shit" defense. You can't criticize me for my reading comprehension when I didn't read the other article. You can call me out for not giving a shit, but I probs won't give a shit about that either.

"noted that such policies routinely allow for exemptions based on religious beliefs or other medical issues such as allergies."

Some people just don't think that logically when it comes to emotional situations. I just don't see the reason for the vitriol. To be honest I think you're all overreacting.

It's still her own body and her choice to do what she wants with it. She doesn't have to inject it with inactivated viruses if she doesn't want to. Of course that means that perhaps she'll lose her job, and perhaps that is OK for the company to fire her, but all the comments on here are treating her like she is some

I understand her reasoning is a little superstitious given her two previous miscarriages but there are no clinical trials to demonstrate the safety of the vaccines in pregnant women, so she is being cautious. Maybe overdoing it a bit, but fair enough.

Wow Jezebel, I'm really surprised - what happened not telling a woman what to do with her own body? Everyone is reading into this as some anti-vaccine propaganda when really it was just a woman making an informed decision (given that she works in healthcare and also has a doctor's note) about her own body and what she