They're not laughing at the kids who killed themselves, they're laughing at a devoted audience who got baited into watching a show they thought was meaningful and turned out to be yet another cheap parlor trick at their expense.
They're not laughing at the kids who killed themselves, they're laughing at a devoted audience who got baited into watching a show they thought was meaningful and turned out to be yet another cheap parlor trick at their expense.
The creatives are responsible for telling a story that gets ratings so that the network can make money. Don't fool yourself into believing that there's some purity of art happening here or anywhere else on network TV. Some of it is done better than others, but its *all* done in the interest of advertising dollars. …
Illustrative of the environment in which popular entertainment is being made though. Its probably worth "creatives" being aware when they are courting an audience with a suicide rate 8x the national average for their peer group. They may be creating "just" a TV show, but their audience is watching it in their homes,…
Given that LGBT teenagers are 8x more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual peers, I'd say yes they do have some pretty serious issues that they're dealing. Holding up a model of hope and then yanking it away while laughing at them seems…unnecessarily cruel. This is commercial television — its not some…
How many lesbian characters have bee portrayed on mainstream television shows? 148 of them have been killed.
What's especially irksome about this is that this exact scenario was what caused S2 to tank so dramatically, and not only did they do it again they *doubled-down* on it when they actually finally did some promo for S3. The first cast/plot announcement? Betsy Ross, who they billed as the "Mrs. Smith" to Ichabod's "Mr.…
Its not equality if 80% of one character base is routinely killed, and only 20% (or whatever) of another is killed. That's a bias weighted pretty heavily against the first character base.
Someone way further down this thread had some really interesting observations about this show and how it tracks with the show ALIAS, with respect to the introduction of sexpot "former flames" of our hero and driving a wedge between the obvious pair-bond. The common factors (s)he identified are the two guys who are…
That's such a great jump scare. I've re-watched that episode a few times and even though I know its coming, it scares me every time.
Well right, but she's literally a foot shorter than him, so "knee length" would be like a ballgown on her, with flappy sleeve-ends. Which is hilarious, but not practical for just popping into the kitchen to put on a pot of tea.
They seem a little detached from reality, tbh. Two writers have made comments that "people will be talking about the finale for a *very long time*" and I really want to ask them "Do you know that nobody really cares anymore? Even the diehards are like "enough already!"" I mean, this isn't Dallas and JR isn't about…
You're probably digging a little too deep on a show that can't even be bothered to look at a map of the Hudson Valley when coming up with plot elements. :-/
If you hit an artery its not going to take too long to bleed to death.
Things like that, and the idiotic Fakey McIreland's freak-out over Clonakilty black pudding from the other week which you can get at any grocery store in Yonkers 15 miles south of Tarrytown, drive me up the wall. Its not too difficult to look at a map or maybe do some basic demographic research — hell just use google…
They're just flinging everything at the wall to see what sticks (nothing, except what they started with which is Abbie & Ichabod).
At this point, if they do get them together, it will be so inorganic and frankly antithetical to how Abbie has been written all season that it will be totally unsatisfying obvious fanservice. They whiffed on the opportunity to show a progression in their attachment to one another. One of the writers telegraphed…
I like them as a couple but I am a tenderhearted dreamy-romantic. I don't 'ship pair-bonds almost as a rule, I'm probably in the minority in thinking that Mulder and Scully were a ridiculous romantic pair and that never should have happened, but these two — right out of the gate I was like "so when do they make out?" …
Word. She reads every line like she's in a high-school play.
I'm waiting for the episode where she comes home from work, slams her bag down on the counter and announces that she's going to have a hot shower and that he needs to follow her up with a bottle of wine and two glasses, and lick it like its made out of candy.