
cool, so you ARE a troll. thanks for revealing yourself!

You are being flippant, trollish, cruel and let’s add lazy, stupid and obnoxious.

Take the image down. Seriously. It's not germane to the story.

If you really are wondering about this, use the frelling google and do some research. You will find numerous accounts from people who has been deeply traumatized by beeing raped while unconscious.
Just asking the question straight out and at the same time claiming that you don’t want to be “flippant, trollish or

Why are you continuing to show the screenshots of this fucking video? What the fuck is wrong with you, Jezebel*?

Yes, this image should not be reposted anywhere. Whether or not you can see the woman’s face, this is an extreme violation of her privacy.

Posting the screen shot was a terrible thing to do. I know you think you’re a “journalist” and you have a “duty” to report “facts”, but this is bad. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Come on, now. Do we really need a still from the video to be the header for this article?

WTF. Why are you distributing these images in this post, and via Twitter?!?! It’s completely insensitive to your readers and to the victim. You’ve been click-bait for some time, but this is just disgusting.

I apologize to my family and my constituents,

Honestly, I feel like “Mrs.” should be dropped out of language altogether. Ms. & Mr., both of which do not denote martial status. Also Mx. for non gender conforming, if you like.

Look, I remember when Reagan was essentially considered the Trump of his times in the media, just based off the fact that ‘Holy shit, this country’s about to elect a b-list actor as leader of the free world’. Three quarters of every speech he made sounded like Hollywood script. I feel like an end timer contemplating

FiveThirtyEight is about the only political analysis I take any real stock in. Most political punditry, even the stuff that attempts to be all by-the-numbers, still reeks of people just pulling stuff out of their ass based on assumptions. The 538 crew actually seem to track data and trends and compare current polling

Not really. That “consistently performing election model” reflects that man at the bar. 8 years ago, that “consistently performing election model,” said Hillary would win the nomination.

We demonized them? We, the Democrats? Its the rebulican side that became more and more radical the more they lost voters. I mean, no one forced the GOP to choose this path. To me, the Republicans are like the last Gozilla movie: If the 10-megatonnes A-Bomb doesn’t work, lets try a 100 megatonnes A-bomb...

He has framed ‘a magazine in which he is mentioned’. Wut? That and the Jesus painting freak me out the most.

Even Reagan wouldn’t recognize his party despite the number of times Republicans invoke his name.

In fact, it looks more and more like the RNC will allow almost anything to prevent a third party run by any conservative. At the very least, the GOP will not be “moderating*” any time soon.

I work for an arguably successful tech services firm. In a room of (older, white, male) execs yesterday, they ALL expressed love and admiration for Trump. Let me note that two of these are actually intelligent men.

Okay, but please keep in mind that in mid-2007, the mantra was “Hey, no way the black guy can win, right?” I realize these are not the same. Barack Obama is a relatively sane person who is not given to declaring entire nationalities or religions persona non grata.