
Day flights to Canadian and Mexican cities with accessible clinics is going to be a major trade. Since you guys have brains and consider abortion a normal part of health care Americans can come for abortions and pay out of pocket. As with everything else the right does, this will hurt poor women the most.

Thank you!! I’m in New England, maybe I’ll send mine to a red state.

I’m in Canada, too. I worry about if abortion ultimately becomes illegal in the USA (officially via SCOTUS, or unofficially due to numerous, ridiculous TRAP laws). I’ve been thinking: is there any barrier at the border to anyone wanting an abortion coming to Canada to have the procedure done? I know we have legal

It’s the least I can do and I only wish I had started sooner.

I had a lightning bolt moment this summer. While reading up on Pence I remembered a college course in Women’s History during which the professor wept as she spoke of Margaret Sanger and the death of Sadie Sachs. At the time I was a 19 year old from a farm

The Movement for Black Lives takes monthly donations-

I gave to my closest lgbt organization. I worry about teens in my fucked state.

Thank you! we need all the friendly support we can get!

I live in Canada and give a major December donation to one of a couple charities I care about. This year, I’m sending it south to Planned PArenthood.

As soon as I find work I’m going to do a monthly donation to PP.

A lot of reasons, but the TL;DR reasons are a) French history of aggression in the Middle East in North Africa, and b) longstanding social and political marginalization of ethnic and religious minorities that makes those populations easy pickings for those who wish to radicalize them.

honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

A black man insisting on his support for an unapologetic white supremacist does raise questions about mental faculty...  

I read that too quickly and thought you were wishing people deep dish. Which I wouldn’t mind.

Ha ha- good one!

This is not a “protest”, it’s a statement!”

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

Hey, girl

Honey, I am sorry. If you’re going to be taking them for more than a couple of days, try to take those Xanax on a schedule — they are less addictive that way. And step down when you stop, instead of just stopping. Ain’t nobody needs any additional suffering at this point.

I took my second xanax of the day just now after getting shaky from anxiety. I got so anxious and upset after running into my neighbor, who proceeded to tell me that she voted for Jill Stein because she thought Trump is dumb, but was still “so relieved” that Hillary didn’t win because she’s “so dangerous” and “allied

My best friends have posited a theory. When you get elected president, one of the first things that happens is you get a visit from “Charlie,” this deep undercover operative who has ALL the horrible news about what’s really going on. “Charlie” takes the POTUS-elect into a little room and tells POTUS all the horrible