
It’s still a sore subject for me that I was forced to buy a Kinect that I knew I wasn’t going to use

Why would you purposely put holes for debris to get in, if it’s not for venting and it’s purely cosmetic it sounds like the don’t want to admit a mistake since they weren’t repeated on the nes or later version

The horrible pushing of PS4 #xboneconsolesmatter

I wonder if they will have the fixes to the dialogs you guys reported on a while back

I wonder if they will have the fixes to the dialogs you guys reported on a while back

Close doors, it’s an audio queue to someone coming in your house

This ruling just makes tattooing dangerous. If they are concerned about health implications have them get certified to be a tattooed and learn basic hygiene but making them become a doctor is absurd

I really gotta stop kickstartong board games, could of gotten ghostbusters for 65% off :/

I really gotta stop kickstartong board games, could of gotten ghostbusters for 65% off :/

You’re on a gaming website in 2017 and this is the first time you’ve heard afk?

So we just let trolls steal our words and images and make them theirs for hate. Sounds like a shitty way to live

Deleting them in D2 doesn’t delete them in D1 tho?

This will just make the bots have people drop afk and then cycle through getting up and laying down.

So where in America can I watch this?

Where did the yellow key you are using for your escape button in the title image come from?

This is kind of bullshit tho, it’s not his fault the houses didn’t load. Happened to me last night and I quit out because I got stuck in a house and couldn’t move. But I didn’t make the houses not spawn

I really want to switch from a ten keyless to a 70% but I didn’t buy enough keys in the carbon drop to do it:/

They are likely watching him build his deck, then build a deck that’s strong against it. Then they wait for him to queue to try to get matched against him

But when will we get it for free with games with gold?

But when will we get it for free with games with gold?

I need to rewatch Ronin warriors

It’s probably more salt on punks end that he almost just won evo and now just got beat by some “no name”

So far playing the beta has felt like an expansion not an excuse for a whole new full priced game