
That’s just, better than the anime, imho.

Nah. If he was facing criminal charges or something, maybe, but even then only maybe. Cheating on your wife? Studio execs will get him a beer and pat him on the back after his rough day. And, I’m actually glad for that. I don’t think this is a thing you should get fired for, unless you work in the same place as your

I honestly don’t get the connection cheating = non-feminist. If a gay man cheated on his husband would he be homophobic or misanthropic? Nope, just an a$$h0le.

Is it appropriate to use the “dindu nuffin” meme here for that kid?

Baby Driver was the shit tho

He can read his name and shit.

he’s 4 and can’t read? is that normal? honestly not trying to be funny or anything but my siblings and I were reading pretty well by 4

I love Nextdoor. I have gotten free agaves from a neighbor, promoted my kid’s lemonade stand, purchased a Black Lives Matter sign from a thoughtful neighbor, and we are now organizing a BLM beer summit. All using Nextdoor! The negatives: “urgent” alerts that someone’s dog is loose (I consider urgent a missing

People thought video was enough in the Rodney King trial. Racism has no limit to its selective blindness.

Here’s my counseling; “Hey, kid, you have nothing to feel bad about. You did one of the best things a man could ever do in his life, protect his mother. You are great, don’t you let anyone tell you anything different. Now, who wants ice cream?”

Why should civilians be held to a higher standard of behavior than cops?

It’s not “people”. It’s the police. And they’re not blind. They see a minority kid.

The dead man beat the mother unconscious? I doubt they’ll convince an NYC jury to convict this kid.

And free counseling... Even though he did the right thing I would imagine that it was still very traumatic.

He was right to defend his mother, how can people be so blind?

he should be charged, with heroism.

Assuming the bodies aren’t moving themselves, how do they get moved without workers being involved? Seems like it probably happened once and is now a bargaining chip.

which totally creeped me out in my second miscarriage, knowing there was a non-living fetus inside of me

Exactly. That cooze Patti Stanger isn’t a good anything.

Yeah, this is pretty much how my relationship went until she decided to ask for an open relationship because she wanted to sleep with her married former coworker (after I found out she was having Skype sex sessions with the guy already). She did tell me to go sleep with other people as well. I guess I took her