
A bunch of goats. And I would use my money to pamper them. I would let them devour all that stood in their path, and pay off the offended parties. And I would build them a goat castle with swings.

See. To me being invited to speak outside your research and interests is the ultimate slap in the face. A lot depends on intention. If someone I actually know comes to me and says, openly and honestly, “Hey. I’m looking at this panel I’ve put together and I’m concerned cause there are no women on it. Is this something

I’m in the humanities. 100% male panels, like the one featured below, and 100% male edited volumes are the norm. People think they can get away with it because there is no oversight of the humanities. It’s not like the sciences where there might be formal policies about including women, if given the chance.

Yes. I find the one woman, seven men panels even more infuriating than this. I wish that when women showed up to these things and discovered they were the only woman on the panel they would walk out. That’s what we should all do. Wait our turn and then walk out.

No. Everyone says you have to do that. Every major advertisement campaign directed towards women. Every talk show. Every self-help book. Every popular magazine. Every romantic comedy franchise. Feeling beautiful (aka self-acceptance) is the new required activity of women. It’s worse than the requirement to actually be

"It's ok to be fat as long as you're healthy" AND as long as you're beautiful and as long as you are happy. That's the whole story. It's just another stupid narrative that becomes a crucible for women. You have the right to be fat and happy. You have the right be fat and unhappy. You have the right to be fat and

No. Fuck self-acceptance. Self acceptance is the new requisite form of female self-discipline. Walking around joyfully accepting yourself to the extent that society wants takes just as much energy, distorted thinking and focus as walking around counting calories.

Honestly? I hate on other people’s happiness because its a compulsory performance. It’s just as compulsory as being thin, if not more so. And it’s usually just as aggressively performed. When fat women post pictures of themselves in cute little outfits with perfect makeup and perfect hair beaming away like they just

The way she worded that statement was strange. I don’t know what “personhood” means here to her. But she is absolutely right that Europeans’ enslavement of Africans was exceptional. Meaning, it was worse than any other form of slavery that we know about. We need to stop pretending that this was just the European

This makes me want to cry.

What is so incredible about the Rachel is that if you look at photos of other women from that time who got that haircut (and just about everyone did at some point) you’ll see tons of beautiful women who just look terrible. But she, Jennifer Aniston, who is beautiful but not more beautiful than these other women, looks

You don’t want to see animatronic unicorns and giants and walk through a partial replica of Noah’s arc? Cause I’ll be honest. I do.

But Jia Tolentino said we could just tip extra. Confused face.

But slavery and misogyny aren’t really white or male things. They’re universal. They’re just kind of thought patterns that exist throughout time and repeat themselves. Haven’t you read Dawkins? Don’t you know what a meme is? It’s not like white people or men directly benefit from slavery or sexism. Really, they have

No. It’s not ironic. Preventing abortion and making it impossible for disadvantaged women to actually raise their children are part of the same plan. These centers aren’t really trying to stop abortion. They’re adoption mills. They have a very specific plan for these potential children and it does not involve them

This is significantly different from Jia Teolentino’s original take on the Times piece. Which was, “Remember to tips your nail techs extra girlfriends!”

Fifty virtual bucks says this woman is a member of an evangelical church.

Oh dude. No. Look at the prices laid out on this site:…. We’re talking $6 - $12 manicures here. Basically, if you meet a girl and she talks about bargain hunting for manicures... she’s a sociopath. There’s no way you can’t know these people are slaves.

Honestly, I have no patience for the people who frequent these establishments. The signs of abuse are everywhere. You have to be willfully ignorant to ignore them, get your nails done and then pay the shockingly low prices that they charge. I went last summer for a manicure in NYC for the first time because it was

I understand that consumer choice is, generally, a poor match for regulation in terms of reigning in industry. But this case is clearly a potential exception where both things could possibly help. If it is true that “Part of the problem in New York City specifically is that there are so many salons; LA and San