This letter reminds me of this classic, life-changing Cracked article from 2012:
This letter reminds me of this classic, life-changing Cracked article from 2012:
If Bennett and Wohl had a kid, it would come out as current Rudy Giuliani.
“Applied for political asylum” - yeah, they were murdered, probably? Occam’s Razor...
This week on The Connors, Dan’s got a new flame! You’ll never guess who it is!
I am growing tired of explaining to my white colleagues why blackface or brown face or any face is wrong.
I’ll probably hold off playing until private servers are implemented, I think it’ll be most enjoyable when you don’t have to deal with anyone else, or at most a few friends. The lonely exploration side of it sounds appealing, even at the cost of traditional NPC quest-givers, but the semi PvP nature of the game world…
Normally I try to at least read through an article before making any comments, but check your second paragraph:
It’s actually pathetic that my first thought was “I’m surprised this is the first time I’m hearing this excuse used.”
There should be more diverse options for creating Sims.
Sims Players Want More Diverse Options From Fan-Made Creations? uhhh so make your own?
The letter isn’t even about memes, it’s just a clickbait article title that is discrediting well done research.
Go on a tantrum and try to fight someone—and more than likely promptly get his ass handed to him.
“He’s also apparently going to stop talking to women at events entirely.”
*GASP* this must be the future our Great and Fearless leader warned us about. When a man must be forced to *tries to maintain composure* accept the responsibility and consequences of his actions.
I love telling those guys that their positions on atheism are just as dogmatic as any organized religion. It’s fun to watch their heads explode.
I mean 18 is the age of consent in a lot of states, so...
Yeah, no.
You stabbed him.
Not to be harsh, but Date Dude had awful taste and no self respect too, so it wasn’t just you.
“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”