I think it was a pun
I think it was a pun
DaS has so many red flags she’s got a picture next to her collection in the Guinness Book of Terrible Relationships
Never tried it, I hear theres big money in kangaroo farm subsidies if you’re willing to move to Australia
Kangaroo meat is perfectly safe to eat, they’ve been trying to push it as an alternative to other proteins that are farmed under inhumane conditions for years.
This complaint is bizarre and I hope everybody involved feels deep shame that they’re so inept
This is the dumbest, most entitled complaint I’ve ever seen
Excuse six: Anime tiddies
Yes, he should go to prison. Unfortunately we live in America where all we need is an asshole judge to determine he probably wont do it again or that his career is too important.
Did she know Alperin before the rally, or his he some shitbag mactivist?
Someday, somewhere this will happen, but it won’t be a drill. There’s nothing more heartbreaking than that.
that’s all it is too, his entire psyche is based on his paper thin self image of masculinity. He’s repressing something big
Well this guy clearly just sucks as a person. How long before he’s on trial for rape?
It’s the only way she can stay relevant. The Dumbledore thing was clearly just media baiting
The high road only works for those who can afford to take it. Slap that fat toddler’s hand in front of the whole world
Looking at thumbnails it looks innocent enough, but I guess that just means I’m not a disgusting old man. I’m pretty ok with that.
How long until the other girls come forward now? With how aggressive the attack was, there’s no way this was his first.
When it comes to men being abused (Catholic church, I’m looking at you) an accusation is more than enough. Even after 30 years, a man will never be doubted when coming forward.
What a hot take
from 2002
Lets just vote by penis shape from now on