Where’s the reaction about Aziz?
Where’s the reaction about Aziz?
I keep forgetting this schmucks name, which makes me happy and hopeful that others will as well
Fucking awesome! I can finally get into the series from the ground floor AND be topical in discussions about the game
Personal experience? Doesn’t work out. I knew a guy that swore by it, but he was also a junkie so his opinion isn’t worth much.
Honestly I used to drink pretty regularly, maybe a few beers a night, but then a friend brought me some edibles (I was turning 30 and had never tried marijuana so I figured I might as well). Now I just have one of those every so often, maybe a couple times a month. It feels better than being drunk, and it’s helped…
I read that in his voice.
yeah, and you guys only had 3 days to plan responses.
Unfortunately we’re witnessing the end of the push started in 2017. Too many people are fed up with being chastised for not reciting the correct scripted message. The morally superior kept slapping hands and would-be allies are turning away before they can be shunned. A valid argument and a real need for social change…
HA! He didn’t know the definition behind our code word of the day! What a dumb ass! We don’t need an ally that doesn’t keep up with the latest hashtag, even if they want to show support, right?
Such pretentious bullshit. You can’t spread a message by telling everybody they’re too stupid to get it. No ally is going to…
so whats the point of apologizing at all then?
feign cluelessness. Say you’re there for the food
Are any of these men redeemable? Is there a way to show that they’re actually taking this all to heart? I understand that enough of them are only sorry for getting caught, but there’s got to be some way to say “I’m sorry I’ve caused so much pain” where we can accept that they at least get it and are trying.
as a man I’m immune to such introspection
We need an app for this. Just pop your phone out and start playing the send off music when the mansplaining begins
If you don’t have the book, get the kindle copy. If nothing more than to spend $15 to piss off this awful administration
Rock out to Zepp’s Immigrant Song. Duh
I love it when you’re wrong
They’re just now into Frozen? It must take sharks a few years to catch up to pop culture
Why is this idiot still in the news? We need to fucking shun him to keep him from getting any more free publicity.
Her lawyer will refer to this as “exhibit A”