
oh yeah totally. Who doesn’t know about whatever the hell you just said.

I think you just wrote a new hit josei manga series

I’d put my money on anime body pillow harem

Kind of sad when you make a new account just to have somebody agree with you XD

Normally I’m a pessimist but I really hope WoW fans can be happy with whatever Blizzard provides. Something is better than nothing

That title rightly belongs to ME! I organized the coup of Christmas, the throne is mine!

Honestly, theres a few things that would be really creepy for your partner to be enthusiastic about. Sleeping in the wet spot, accidental non-sexy bodily functions. Ever have a fart squeak out? Nobody is enthusiastic about that (well, not NOBODY otherwise there wouldn’t be videos of it).

A guy who ignores “no” sure does.

Ok I totally agree up to that last part. The kind of guy that persists after a “no” is the same kind of guy that isn’t ok with leaving.

Stop the planet, I want to get off.

By your definition just about everyone on earth is a rapist. Have you ever been in a relationship? Have you ever had enjoyable sex? Sometimes you do something for your partner because it feels good for them. I’m not entirely thrilled to perform oral, if asked I go for it because I want my partner to enjoy sex too, in

I’m unsure you’ve ever had sex at all. Calling the story you’re commenting on “rape” does severe injustice to sexual assault and rape survivors. Stop watering down the term for a horrendous act because of your own personal hangups

Totally agree with the first one. Keep your nose to the grindstone and out of other people’s lives. Office drama is totally avoidable, even if everybody else thinks you’re boring because you don’t play the gossip game. Eventually it pays off to stay out of it

Who sat down and played “Where’s Waldo” for a reason to find this cup offensive?.

Yeah! A No is a No forever! FOREVER. That’s why we only ever need to discuss sex with our partners once

Damn his clever wordplay! Asking for consent during a consensual sexual encounter. How could she not fall prey to his cunning? If only higher brain functions didn’t completely shut down during intercourse. He must’ve been planning this the whole time. He knew full well that women are just passionate animals that agree

I love it when they let the real tantrum slip. He’s just pissed at all attractive women

What a bunch of idiots. They can’t accept that they’re not fucking interesting so they blame women. Trainwreck seems like he’s just pissed that women on twitch wont fuck him.

I stream occasionally, I think I’ve had maybe 6 viewers max at a time. I doubt in a world with no women online that I would ever get above that

see, I added a u where it doesn’t belong. What more proof do you need? If this was Twitter you’d already be bowing

I simply cannot believe that someone would attempt to deceive others online like this. As the Queen of England I am appalled at his behaviour!