
My family was in Germany during the war and their strategy of keeping their heads down and hoping it would pass didn’t work. By 1945 most of the homes and the family business had been bombed into the ground and most of the men had died or disappeared in Russia.

I sleep well at night knowing I won’t have to explain to my grandkids someday that I was one of the good Germans.

Yes, but is it a good shower wine?

Act now, discuss later as a technique meant to bring me (a Hillary voter) into the fold? IT’S A BOLD MOVE, COTTON, WE’LL SEE IF IT PAYS OFF.

Your hot take wasn’t a good one.

Every time I think “this time they’re going down” nothing happens! Pussygate, white supremacists, not releasing taxes, not divesting himself of his business interests, the infamous dossier, the Nordstrom tweets, hell all his tweets! The Yeman raid, the insanely unprofessional behavior of Spicer and Conway, the horror

“I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face...and a gun under my shirt which I occasionally stroke and pet like I’m masturbating with it in public, and you are none the wiser, yet you are much less safer for having me next to you. I probably won’t shoot you. My gun won’t pull it’s own trigger. I

What is with the GOP/conservative obsession with Iran? They seem to have this weird duality where Iranians are both the biggest threat to America ever BUT ALSO the weakest people alive who couldn’t possibly compete against American power.

That was where she lost me. Like, the guy was being nice! If you feel compelled to mock someone for doing a nice thing, then it’s not really a mystery why people don’t like being around you.

Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.

Fuck that. I just got promoted to manager, and I nevertheless plan on working 4o hours on the dot each week. A lot of older managers are in the habit of logging on in the evenings at my company, and I can tell you all that there is a 0% chance of me doing that. As soon as I do it, it will become the expectation. Nope.

This is rape.

While we’re at it, can we stop calling tips “hacks”?!?!

You Fail Logic Forever.