
They’re a paid crony for Epic, I thought we knew this?

Every article about this lawsuit has been either ‘neutral’ or ‘in favor’ of Epic. Even in the recent article on Epic stealing money from developers in their free give-aways, Kotaku had apologia. Even this is ‘WHY DIDN’T THEY CARE ABOUT TIM SWEENY!? HE’S IMPORTANT!”

where one executive issues an impassioned selfishly motivated plea for marketplace reform more profits for EPIC, which is beholding to Apple to get onto an app store so they can bleed kids’ parents for money on questionable products that are called gambling in countries outside of the USA, fine-tuned to exploit

And as other consumer reports have cited: EPIC’s exclusivity deals this year dropped from ~100 over the last 1.5 years, with only ~20 prospective exclusives on the horizon.

Oh, man. It’s like I and many other detractors said way back in the day when this started: this is some shady shit to shortchange some folks in favor of Epic.

Cool, can’t wait for the EULAs to describe how they own all content posted onto ArtStation, so Epic can just steal artwork from creators without paying them, and then saying ‘well, you agreed we own this to do with it as we please when you posted it here’ a la facebook and twitter.

The sheer number of times video games companies have tried to stop nude cosplayers, R34 artists, etc. goes back decades.

You are completely misunderstanding the whole point of the Gamestop pumping that was done by Reddit folks.

Yes, I’m sure the brilliant minds behind Hackers will get right on that legal case. 

I played CP2077 from start to finish with a pile of glitches and a terrible frame rate. It didn’t bother me that much, I’m not one to really care about graphics - I want a good story and a good gameplay experience.

I can confirm, having lived in Newport News (Bad News) for a few years that Windsor is the backwater, horrible township of a bunch of poor white people that didn’t want to live in the Black majority Newport News, Black-saturated Hampton Roads, and the generally mixed population of the Tidewater.

Same thing that happened with Occupy Wall Street: use the media to mix the message and turn folks against one another, then commodify it into a product.

Exactly. I will never understand the people who tell companies “I’LL PAY EVEN MORE FOR THIS, YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO ASK!”

Folks can call me cynical all day, but I’d definitely call it realism. I’ll be optimistic when an AAA company gives me anything to be optimistic about.

But that’s what I’m saying: it’s not just the title ‘action RPG’, it’s how everything they’ve shown us looks like everything that they’ve already shown us.

Because this game looks identical to Anthem. You zip around with temporary flight, you clearly have ‘major powers’ in which you get to do big, flashy effects (if the spells showcased aren’t the ‘big’ spells, it’s going to be boring as hell just casting the same big splash over and over). It’s an open world that’s

“Action RPG”

This entire scam, and I do mean scam, is entirely predicated on how much you think the item is worth, and how many people agree on the item’s value.

Man, the false equivalency of Sex Workers selling services that you are directly consuming to a blockchain digital token that says you own a piece of artwork that everyone has direct access to (which none of those royalties are going towards the artists, for the record, nor is it being done with artist permission, and