
You don’t though. The thing is worth whatever anyone will pay, and whatever anyone will pay is what it’s worth - because it has no worth independent of consumers.

Judge: “It was delayed because I had severe medical concerns that I needed to have taken care of for my own health. It was necessary.”

Love we’re still going with “Bloomberg Reported” as opposed to ‘every writer who could manage it left this sinking ship a long time ago - but we’re petty so we refuse to invoke Schrier’s name’.

Chalamet and Zendaya are current the ‘it’ actors, which is why I would call it by the numbers. Chalamet is also not a good actor in the least. If you think I’m sneering, you should see any of his disinterested, vapid performances.

Well, dang. That’s a shame. I was really hoping that Tim would notice me with my pick-up artist negging skills. 


As a hardcore lover of the book series, I really dislike the approach I keep seeing. While Villeneuve’s absolutely killing the game when it comes to style, he’s faceplanting on everything else.

IBO glorifies violence throughout - the MC is only valuable and capable because of his violence, not his compassion or leadership. The struggle of the common person is never addressed, but we’re told repeatedly that the common person is suffering. Telling me there’s problems is a different strategy than showing me


I’d argue the stuff from SEED is just ‘numbers to be intense’, and lacks any emotional punch.

War in the Pocket is the story for dealing with this kind of thing. It frequently feels like the Gundam folks saying “why are you fans of this!? This isn’t for kids!”

I went to the youtube to see it for myself. Love how the intro specifically states “We’re also not responsible if you choose to be offended.”

Hah! Folks die.

I never understood this criticism. He’s 72 and filthy rich in the year 2021. This isn’t the 1980's wherein having a heart attack was an incredibly serious, life-or-death concern in even the best of circumstances.

Fun fact: Nathan Grayson cannot be hired anywhere else, as he is a gigantic ball of radioactive mess that Kotaku had to repeatedly defend hiring when he first joined the team.

HAHA! You’re so right! Everyone who doesn’t immediately know as much as you, or takes cues from social media should be threatened with hospitalizing injuries or potentially death!

SO MUCH THIS. US laws around pornography are incredibly hazy, and do not have strict definitions anywhere because strictly defining what is pornography is impossible. The Supreme Court even ruled on that. It was literally boiled down to ‘I know it when I see it’. ie, it was entirely up for the interpretation of the

More faux-feminism that’s really just male gaze and sexual assault fetishes? I’m good.