
Just wait until this person learns about the scientific method and the use of the terms ‘blind’ and ‘double-blind’ to refer to types of states of knowledge.

It’s almost like video game awards aren’t awards at all, and are instead a marketing system that is designed to sell games and force hype for the next iteration of Triple A bullshit that will be forgotten about a week after release.

Keep doubling down on the faboyism. Elon Musk is not going to fuck you.

He’s promoting Tesla by making a car for the wealthy, not the common person. Can you afford his new $150k SUV? Do you think the average person can?

I’m not calling it ‘not enough’, I’m saying he isn’t doing anything to fix anything at all.

You’re telling me a kid who grew up in South Africa, who benefited from Apartheid and used slave labor in their family mines, who actively pushes for the continued use of child slave labor, and wants to take his company (ostensibly used to push the limits of science) and turn it into a weapons delivery system for the

Also, REALLY not excited for the whole ‘the good guys are middle-class Christian midwesterners, the evil folks are the Queer folk’ message that they’re clearly putting on blast.

I wish someone would just teach Jared Leto to suck his own cock so that he could just take his (entirely underserved) smug self-satisfaction to a bathroom and leave the rest of us alone.

Street Fighter choice aren’t binary. They’re exponential. They’re also entirely within player input.

What ‘ups and downs’ exist in ME besides “hey, Ashley, the programmers didn’t put you in the second title, so I awkwardly fucked my other crew member. ta da!”

Yes, but romance is the specific connotation of a human relationship that has context, depth, and nuance.

How is that reductionist? That’s exactly how you do ‘romance’

Considering that Mass Effect 3 ended like the most uncomfortable wet fart in the middle of a State Dinner, Dragon Age Inquisition was nothing more than a checklist event, and Andromeda was... well... not good; I don’t even care.

Ah yes, the romance of punching in various pre-rendered speech that is on a binary scale of options and key moments in the storyline, to be rewarded with a stilted, uncomfortable sex scene that would make softcore porn say “what losers”


Snap! Falling out of a centimillionaire’s wife’s uterus is an accomplishment these days.

It’s shit like this that makes me wish I could take stars from people. 

Maybe those studios need to learn the lesson that being a parasite isn’t a sustainable lifestyle when you’re constantly dependent on a healthy host.

Poetic? Are you kidding me?

I love the Mutants, I love camp. But this is far, far too 1990's Liefeld-era Marvel for me.