Well, when you aggressively, insistently trip over your dick at every given opportunity, yes.
Well, when you aggressively, insistently trip over your dick at every given opportunity, yes.
MM! Cold-pressed lithium, fresh from the phone.
Grayson has a bad habit of only writing about the things that make his stuff look good, and ignoring any counter-claims.
it was ALWAYS going to lose a shit ton of money.
It’s because the Epic lawyers know they’ve lost from a legal perspective. They signed a contract, they have to deal with the contract. They just don’t like the contract that they’ve been forced to sign. They can’t breach that contract without massive penalties. Beyond that, Apple is worth several magnitudes more than…
Paradox has a habit of being very business-minded. They’re like the 1990's McDonald’s; ostensibly a business about fast food, but ultimately more interested in real estate, marketing, and general corporate infrastructure and consulting. Paradox is ostensibly about video games; but they’re really about using the video…
Populism has been tightening it’s grip on the world since 2008 during the global economic collapse that put people into a panic. This isn’t new. This isn’t novel. You haven’t been paying attention.
We didn’t elect him, he won the Electoral vote.
How’s the surprising? Have you seen or heard Ben Shaprio?
It’s just right if you’re an insufferable teenage mope like I was
From my understanding, Tomino had mental health issues because they roped him into making endless amounts of Gundam series to push toys. He was bummed that his show about people ascending from conflict and understanding one another on an emotional level was just turned into ‘we wanna see more people explode and die’.…
I remember thinking Gundam Wing was the coolest freaking thing on the block when it first hit Toonami back in the late 90's. Even better than Dragonball Z, the gamechanger of animation in the USA.
From Kotaku themselves:
You’re telling me that not every girl is going to be amazed by my SUGOI awkwardness and narcissism while also alienating her feelings, thoughts, dreams, and objectives?
The incredibly xenophobic attitudes displayed here remind me why Japan can grate on me sometimes.
Oh, for sure, Gizmodo Media is circling the drain on all of their subsidiaries at the moment.
Harriot’s takes on white people in the protest have really grated on me. He complains that white people aren’t doing enough, then when they do show up to try and do something as they’re firing tear gas and spraying mace, he’s saying they’re doing it wrong.
Please! Explain to me how my views are wrong. Furthermore, if you could explain how a modern, current take from academia and first-hand sources is somehow less accurate than ‘but I once saw Robin Hood’
Who the fuck is wanting to glorify the police in this day and age that isn’t somehow related to the police?