
Harriot’s takes on white people in the protest have really grated on me. He complains that white people aren’t doing enough, then when they do show up to try and do something as they’re firing tear gas and spraying mace, he’s saying they’re doing it wrong.

Please! Explain to me how my views are wrong. Furthermore, if you could explain how a modern, current take from academia and first-hand sources is somehow less accurate than ‘but I once saw Robin Hood

Who the fuck is wanting to glorify the police in this day and age that isn’t somehow related to the police?

I know I’m being a little harsh with my wording, but I firmly dislike people parroting ideas about European exceptionalism and all of the terrible romantic notions of Feudal life that comes with it.

First off, the concept of the ‘Enlightenment’ is an incredibly Eurocentric concept that has no bearing on Japanese lifestyles. Also, the ‘Enlightenment’ is more or less a historical myth used to propagate European superiority cultivated in the late 1800's and early 1900's as a justification for Imperialism.

They can have SEED, one of the worst of the Gundam series, narrowly being out G Fighter.

They aren’t getting relevant information that wasn’t already immediately available for consumption. They are just trying to get more information so as people come to Kotaku for further information.

You realize not EVERYTHING has to be monetized, right? That’s how people could work. We don’t have to pump every tragedy for money. If you’re offended by that idea, wait until something awful happens to you, and you’re hounded for information because PEOPLE ARE CHARGING FOR YOUR PAIN.

Then the writers can get that information from public statements that have already been made.

One is a person who knew him, described as his closest friend, making a public statement.

Yes. But that doesn’t have to mean probing family and friends to get more details when there are enough details that can be publicly accessed by Kotaku to confirm the death.

Whut..? I have experienced tragedy. I have experienced disasters. The last thing I wanted was someone I don’t even know telling me they want my opinion on an article for their blog the moment it happens. I have no idea how you’re even drawing on that dumbassed conclusion.

By trusting that the partner and best friend of this person, who both posted on his death, weren’t just trolling for the fun of it.

So that they could put it on the website, which will generate ad revenue through clicks.

Sorry, but shoving a microphone in the face of a close friend/loved one to ask “hey what happened to this person I’m trying to monetize the tragedy of?” the day they die is a shitty thing to do.

This name checks out! You salty, salty little boy.

If I hadn’t just gotten a puppy (who is adorable, and I live for), this would have been the best news of my month.

It is never a schtick. It’s always someone being who they really are when they think there’s anonymity and no repercussion.

Unless they’re Dr. Disrespect. Then it’s gravy.