
She’s shown herself to have a shaky grasp of cultures other than her native one. That’s why foreign schools have either made-up foreign-y sounding words for names (Durmstrang) or like your example foreign words simply strung together (see Beauxbaton, too). That’s how Americans come to call muggles “no-maj.”


As a Japanese, so pleased to find out we have a magical school in Potterverse. But !!! The name “Mahoutokoro”is a bit disappointment. It might sound magical and fancy to English ears as one word. but to me it sound like a direct translation from Google for Mahou / Magic, Tokoro/Place. The meaning is right but just

Are the other new schools’ names as ridiculous in their respective languages as Mahoutokoro (“magic place”) is? (ridiculous in a different way than the way “Hogwarts” is awesome-ridiculous)
Four more schools, well I would think there would be a Chinese school, an Indian school, an Arabian or Persian school, and an