
Is this in Safe Chicago or Worse Than the Middle East Chicago? There are two Chicagos, you know.

This. This right here. Consent cannot exist under subjugation.

Does this mean people are trying to type "porn" into the search bar on PornHub? I mean, you're already here people, just tell us what kind.

Why did you feel it necessary to italicize that pronoun?

I dunno, I kinda really like that the departure showed us that Luke, as well-meaning as he is, and with his vow to take care of June after women were forced out of work, would be dead as a friggin' doornail if it weren't for the compassion and leadership up of, you guessed it, women.

It's not nearly as horrifying as I thought it was gonna be. Lots of poop-eating, lots of rape, but still it mostly just drags on and feels like forever even though it runs under 2 hours. The storytelling from the Signoras of how they got to be these degenerate ol' whore-hags is actually kind of amusing, but the whole

This is a very good point.

I could see that if were non-queer identifiers using it. I think in this circumstance it's being employed by people who are still coming to terms to identity, so no labels is a non-limiting thing. I love the whole thing with gauge number on the clippers, because it's Troy giving Lionel permission to identify as

By virtue of the amount of time Clippy spent trying to explain things to me that I already knew how to do and didn't ask for help with, I'm gonna have to call it and say Clippy is a man.

Most notable item: the racial diversity of the Super Bowl party.

Whatever. This looks awesome.

No, it's two independent clauses.

These idiots are what would have happened if 6 years ago we had accidentally taken Rebecca Black seriously.

As well as the most volatile love life happening with arguably the most stable character. All the kooks had healthy, stable relationships, and then there's ol' Ron Swanson having to be rescued from his crappy relationships by Xena.

I dunno, if the minimum was 6'5", that would be discrimination of a slightly higher order.

Did you just call Bernie Sanders unqualified?

We have a laundry list of kickass music going for us right now. Doesn't change the fact that none of us have any money.

We are really poor here. It's really out of necessity.

It's a pretty popular theory. I hope it's true. Of everyone who has picked up a sword on this show, Syrio was the greatest pleasure to watch.