
This driver ignored a ridiculous number of warning signs before hitting that bridge. What if it was a stop sign or a red light, and he killed somebody? The driver in your pipe story failed to secure his load. What if that pipe had come loose at highway speed into the following traffic? Now, maybe there was a

Your second sentence should be, “box trucks driven by idiots who somehow miss the $40,000 worth of warning signage and indicators posted around a bridge that’s been there for decades are notorious for getting torn open because they’re driven by idiots.” There’s like six signs in both directions and a clearly marked

Anyone who gets bagged for this is a dumbass who you do not want working for the government. You have to sign and initial a million billion forms whenever you get any sort of U.S. government information system account, including email. 54% of those forms tell you what you can and cannot do with those accounts and 40%

Can we please, PLEASE end the use of RSVP cards with multiple blank lines? Believe it or not, there are people who have not yet been invited to a wedding as adults and who have not spent the time we have completely up the ass of wedding planning and etiquette. Sending them an invitation with a response card that has

Thank you for this. I’ve also found that “For Sensitive Skin”, “Calming”/“Soothing”, and “With Natural Botanicals” are giant bullshit flags that let me know I’m probably going to have a reaction. You’d think since finding out the hard way that some asshole decided mascara of all things needed chamomile, I would have

Nope, you’re not, and YES, me too. I remember keeping the bottle for a year after it was empty so I could take a hit whenever I was depressed, sniffing at it like a wild animal.

Ha, my feet are the opposite of wide and finding out that I could get Birkenstocks in a narrow width is *my* everything. Yes, most fashionable shoes out there are made for my dainty feet, and I still want to live in Birks.

Karaoke at a cheap Chinese restaurant always works with my crowd - it’s BYO entertainment (with help from others) and if you stick to beer, depending on how much you drink (and eat), the tab can be about $30 per (before tip).

Especially since any garment that costs several thousand dollars is the exact opposite of modest, no matter how much skin it covers.

I wish we could start putting “modest” in quotation marks when using it to refer to making women invisible, because it is some infuriating gendered bullshit that has nothing to do with truly being modest.

I loved my wedding, and it was a fabulous experience with a lot of really good people, but my husband is the one who wanted the big time, and I still daydream about the morning-courthouse-ceremony-followed-by-fancy-breakfast-for-nearest-and-dearest day that I’d envisioned. Which would have been about two grand, tops,

Not that these ideas aren’t good, but I don’t think the author of the linked piece has met more than one military member in their life. We can be atrocious at financial management and responsibility. Hang around at the nearest car dealership to any base and watch how many kids on their first assignment out of basic

WHAT. IS WITH. THE MUSIC. Why on earth would you try to do fricking 80s hair band Jem with some miserable Taylor Swift-sounding milquetoast garbage blandness? You think they would learn from past examples that if you want something of this nature/origin to succeed, you have to commit and camp it up.

Matt Bomer is a gift to gay men everyone everywhere.

How is it okay to say this about Black Widow — someone who, to be very clear, has not hooked up on screen in any of the movies — but no one’s going “Tony Stark? Yeah, he’s a total slut.” We actually have seen that on screen.

Endless’ search/sort function was out of this world. I always found the exact right thing I was looking for AND the best possible deal. Amazon just dumps a shit mess of shoes at your feet like “here, I don’t know what the fuck you want; have fun looking through a thousand poorly-made off-brand shoes though”

I slept twelve hours a night just a couple short weeks after being born. Were my parents supposed to come in and poke me after four hours? Six? Eight? Just to please the mommy police? They asked and the doctor said I was developing normally and seemed fine, so let me sleep the way I was sleeping. I did not cry. I was

The Herald is a tabloid, an absolute rag. Google images of the front page and tell me it’s not.

I could give a fuck about other people's consensual sexual arrangements, but this shit: