
I have a good friend who’s seeming to be at the end of coming out (she still tells others that she’s bi but has told me that she finds the idea of sex with men repulsive) and I think that this will help her. She’s having some trouble finding her identity and knowing that she’s not the only one who’s gone through this

Yes this! Sexuality as a concept is fluid and a spectrum, but individual sexualities can be very stable and unchanging. The sexuality is fluid thing often sounds like a better way of saying everyone is a little bit bi, which, like, no.

I don’t think so. Compulsory heterosexuality is something a lot of lesbian/gay identified women struggle with, and as someone who is definitely-not-a-stepping-stone bisexual, I don’t see that as devaluing bi/pansexuality.

I’m so happy for Amandla. Comphet is a hell of a drug sometimes.

Thank you for this. I’ve raised my daughter alone since her birth with no child support.  I just sent a text to my other friends who are in the same situation today acknowledging our dad status. Sometimes I feel terrible, but mostly I feel strong. No man I know could handle this.

So much hate on the comments...

Its a 3 pronged approach.

With that exchange he demonstrated a few distasteful character traits. First, his humor bullying - even worse, he figured she was an easy mark because she was some random unknown that he, NPH could snark on, and others would pile on and join in mocking. And, then condescension & superiority and zero apology or owning

I don’t understand why he became so “loveable” several years ago anyway. He played a misogynistic asshole on a middling TV show - HIMYM was pretty good when it was airing but rewatching it is horrible - and he had a few roles in some cult-favorite movies. He is talented, but he is not all that.

Gross. Revolting. The almighty penis always front & center, a banner of aggression, anger, discord and lack of compassion. I am a hetero woman of the plainest variety. I have no dog in this fight other than rejecting such attacks on lesbian individuals, regardless of their personal beliefs, with all my being. As long

Apparently lesbians who don’t want to sleep with people who have penises (because they’re lesbians, go figure) will not only not be allowed at Pride but will be punched and/or threatened with lynching:

In Ireland, the Pride organisers have specifically said that this year’s Pride is also for all the people/women who fought for reproductive rights, to commemorate the repeal of the anti-abortion 8th Amendment! Excellent queer-feminist solidarity, and as a member of both groups, I’m even more hyped for Pride than usual!

I think that the problem is that feminism made women obsessed with the idea of ~equality~ while downplaying how dangerous men really are (you know the whole “it’s not men, it’s the patriarchy” thing).

In Western Australia we have just had a horrific murder/suicide. Police believe a man murdered his wife, adult daughter and her 4 children (his grandchildren) before killing himself. The coverage has been filled with what a “great bloke” he was. The estranged father of the murdered children even spoke about how much

It’s not parents in general or moms. Men have to solve this problem. Men have to stop paying MRAs and PUAs to tell them they are entitled to love/sex. Men have to loudly reject people like Jordan Peterson when they state sex is the only thing preventing them from going berserk on humanity. Men have to talk to their

Agreed 100%. Now can we at least enterain the possibility that Adnan killed Hae? No? Okay then.

Harsh, but likely true.

She doesn’t want to fuck you, she just wants to keep the person(s) trafficking her happy so they don’t hurt her.

The problem is that Daniels isn’t arguing that white men are not held accountable for their actions— he has no issue with that. His issue is that a black man is being held accountable*. Instead of wanting all abusers to be punished, he wants none of them to be punished.

If it was really just for family unity, then as many men as women would take their spouses last name. But they don’t. So clearly it’s not just about family unity.