lesbian erasure as usual. Are you surprised? I’m not. Everyone is “woke” (lol) until it comes to lesbians and suddenly nobody cares, white or black
lesbian erasure as usual. Are you surprised? I’m not. Everyone is “woke” (lol) until it comes to lesbians and suddenly nobody cares, white or black
Or her self-preservation instincts are focused on paying rent and buying food. All too often people who are struggling to get by, especially women, have to make this trade off.
Yes! These “exit interviews” are bullshit. When they talk about filming in a middle-of-nowhere place without a car to get out of there in the middle of the night, being the only two women on the set of a movie that just recorded a violent sex scene that was more violent to what you consented to - yeah - I dunno. What…
Maybe the whole industry should just be bombed and abandoned. I know we love our freedom here in America, but this reminds me of that episode of It’s Always Sunny. “I think we gave people too much freedom!”
So much for the people who insist porn is a “healthy outlet” populated by happy well adjusted people with broad minded outlooks on personal freedoms. For the hetro men, maybe. The whole industry is sordid and sleazy, just look at the stats on how short a time most women can handle the business. Makes me sad.
There are only a few matrilineal cultures on this planet, but women don’t behave like men do in any one of them.
In this case it’s about punishing the “bitch” women that they see as taking their jobs or promotions and that they have to treat respectfully.
All universities, having the responsibility of in loco parentis need to have posters/flyers/eblasts regularly reminding their students/charges that if something happens, they do NOT shower afterwards instead, go directly to the health clinic first for a rape kit.
BTW, the lawyer is a real scumbag:
Hey, fellow Jez readers. If you know me, I’ve been on here for a couple years. I mostly comment on political stuff and more recently SNS some. You may not like me, but I think there is one thing that we all agree on. Sexual harassment against women is wrong, should be taken seriously and institutions that don’t should…
I don’t get the pink pussy hat controversy. I think about it too though & try to understand it.
As a city dweller, I just cannot fathom the amount of untreated dog urine that is deposited on our streets and buildings and the raw dog poop that ends up in landfills. If it were human waste there would be a huge public outcry about the uncleanliness of it all. But noooooooo.
Aidan wouldn’t have been boring for the right person. Carrie was the wrong person.
Your metaphor, while powerful, is deeply troubling. America owes everything to its black citizens. Women owe nothing to men. I love your articles, Michael, but this “whore/bitch/tease” talk is not okay. It undermines the moral authority of the argument and movement.
Why is America a she when it is men who have always made and enforced or not enforced the laws?
I disagree... America is not feminine or matriarchal - America can also not be that great for women either, this country is not a ‘mother-land’. America is more often than not - like an old, narrow-minded white guy - in which the rules are for everyone else, except for those with money who can pay their way out, and…
I agree with and commiserate with every single word — EXCEPT the rank, unnecessary and destructive misogyny. There was NO reason to use ugly gender slurs to express your otherwise entirely justifiable rage. It adds nothing to your argument but in fact detracts from it, and is harmful on its own to women. I would think…
I understand his rage, but that piece is misogynistic as fuck, and I cannot rock with that... at all.
He not only personifies America as a woman, a femme fatale, and likened Philando’s death to him getting “fucked” to death by her, he drove the analogy home with sexist slurs—i.e. “bitch” and “whore.”
Moreover, he…