
Your totally right

to be fair the people who voted for Sinn Fein dont want them in Westminster they want them in Dáil Éireann and a united Ireland, say what you want about them but they stick to their word.

“What if the recently laid-off were similarly entitled to not just unemployment sufficient to function on, but compensation in order to maintain their pre-firing standard of living?” Well they are, to a degree. Your unemployment payments are actually based on your salary (know this from personal, first hand

“Lose”? Most divorces with kids result in joint custody these days if the father has any interest in his kids.

I read Love Warrior and it’s clear that she is lesbian/bi all the way through from comments she drops about sex and relationships. In a different article, she says she wondered if she was gay, but didn’t find women attractive. So I understood it when she said her sexuality was Abby because she literally hasn’t enjoyed

Her husband actually cheated on her first.

I think if this wasn’t a “Christian Mommy Blogger” and was Rihanna or someone cool people would be applauding her definition

She literally identifies as gay in the same quote you are referencing.

Because people never change, especially around the time they go to and then graduate from college, right?

We don’t get to define her sexuality, though. If she doesn’t or doesn’t yet have a label for her sexuality based on her current feelings and past feelings and behavior, that’s her business. My interpretation of her comment is that she fell for this specific woman, and she hasn’t defined her broader patterns of

No excuse for calling a relationship “toxic” to a person who takes care of you even though they have no reason to (i.e. filed to divorce you 2 years ago).

The points do not compare: first one, girls’ education is being taken away by TPTB. Second one, boys education is not being taken away by TPTB, but by themselves, because they can’t learn some fucking discipline.

I am so sick of this shit. Bra straps are hard to tuck away, damnit: they fall down all the time, safety

You are not exaggerating.

There was at least one male teacher at my high school married to a former student, and one who married a student a few years younger than me after she graduated (quickly enough that they must have been together while she was still in school). So the double standard might not exist here.

I got the same vibes from this guy. He calls all his exes, without exception, “twats.” Sure, there are people who are needy assholes and can’t handle their romantic partners having other priorities. To those I say “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” however they all have him in common. Seems to me he only picks women

Exactly. A man who calls women “twats” and “crap” ...

I got the same vibe about him, a lot of subtle “bitches man, amirite” leaking out from the cracks in the letter. I’m not saying I’m not sympathetic to his situation, and I’m not saying he’s not doing a great thing for his family. I am and he is. What I AM saying is that it sounds like he’s on a bit of a woman-hating

The way that he writes off all women being assholes because they don’t want to put up with him always putting his brother first?

It’s wonderful he’s so devoted to his brother but newsflash, he comes off as a gigantic asshole for not understanding the difference between “Bros” and a partner and why they might perceive

Yeah that guy’s got some weird ideas, for sure. I get where he’s coming from, but not being able to attach yourself to a caregiver for a severely disabled person doesn’t make you a “twat” IMO.

Holycrap, that first guy is a piece of work. I’m pretty sure he’s the one that’s a “twat”.