
I don’t think that branding is the root problem, though. People (men) don’t see issues like education as affecting women significantly more than men because they heard a politician say it. They believe it because it is statistically the reality and they notice that reality in their own daily lives and their own

We don’t have to imagine. Although it’s now almost always called “the Civil Rights movement”, in the 50's the Civil Rights movement was pretty commonly referred to as “the African-American Civil Rights Movement”.

Women are significantly more likely than men to have children in their care, though. It’s annoying that that’s the situation, but it is the situation.

Public education is both an issue that affects everyone to at least some extent and a women’s issue (something that affects women disproportionately). For example, when school budgets get slashed, one of the first big items (after smaller stuff like music classes) that gets cuts is full-day Kindergarten. When public

Interesting! I’m not sure how rural/urban New Brunswick is, but that should make it a lot easier for women in any rural areas to terminate pregnancies early.

That’s awful. I’m so sorry.

It’s so strange to me that not taking all the medicine for an abortion (plus getting some barely related injections) is being touted as a “reversal”. In Europe, the common (probably inaccurate to some degree, but still) understanding of medical abortion is that the first pill doesn’t cause the termination, it just

I know this is tough, especially if you have anxiety around social situations, but have you tried kind of inviting yourself along to lunch with the women (assuming you’re a woman)? They should have made more of an active effort to invite along a new person, but I wouldn’t assume that because they didn’t they wouldn’t

Haha, no, not at all, far from ignoring you, I’ve gotten back to you with my own pedantry. Your point, although not quite correct, was very good too—the stories of the minting and reception of the Sacagawea and Anthony coins are interesting and very relevant to understanding the forces at play around the feminist push

Although anything with the word billion in it sounds like a lot, those are rare when considering the number of dollars in overall circulation at any given time, but that wasn’t integral to the point I was making which was that coins aren’t banknotes so I wasn’t, in fact, forgetting Anthony or Sacagawea (or the couple

No, I’m not. You’re forgetting that coins aren’t banknotes. There are a lot of rare, ultra-low-circulation coins and their largely collectable/commemorative function is nice and all, but they’re not banknotes.

The arguments in favour of women being chosen among others for once as individuals that have shaped UK thought, innovation, leadership, values and society were very well-presented and clearly focused on evident institutional sexism. You were looking for reasons to lash out against women because of your resents against

The UK banknotes is basically the same situation as the US banknotes—head/s of state on one side, historical figures judged as worthy (judgements made almost entirely by men) on the other side, and 0% of those historical figures judged as worthy have ever yet been women. (Jane Austen and Harriet Tubman, respectively,

“Proper fit” is fine, if a little early 10s, by London vernacular standards, but shouldn’t you be going by Belfast, where Game of Thrones is almost entirely shot, vernacular standards? That’s a whole other thing.

I agree that there’s generally too much attention paid to entertainers and their opinions, but is saying that because you watch a lot of Ru Paul’s Drag Race you’re “a gay man right now just without the physical act – that’s all” only imperfect according to a tiny group? It seems to me like quite a lot of people would

This is “actual sexual assault”. If you don’t think that physically forcing sexual contact with someone who’s repeatedly said “no” to your sexual advances and asked you to leave their home is “actual sexual assault” just because the sexual contact wasn’t penetration, you’re probably confusing sexual assault (a general

It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s just a fact: assault, sexual or not, is still assault even when the attacker was drunk and/or feels they’ve made a mistake by assaulting someone.

Feeling obsessed or in love with somebody who doesn’t return a roughly reciprocal amount of attention is a sign that you might benefit from therapy around issues of self-image and attachment. If you’ve made all the effort so far, it’s not a good sign for the relationship and is a sign that on some level you don’t feel

I’m sorry things are so difficult for you. 5 hours of response time while out with friends isn’t unusual, but there’s nothing immature about wanting a fair and non-sexist distribution of household chores. Have you had a serious, sit-down talk about how the housework is shared out between you two?

Eat more fat, drink more water etc. but if you’re not into that, a coat of vaseline followed by scrubbing with an old toothbrush should help and you don’t have to mess around with oil and sugar.