
I’ve repeated points because you’ve refused to address those points (preferring instead to sink to graphic insults and condescension and unrelated photos and etc etc) and those repeated points directly contradict your absurd assertion “by a year or two into her hormonal treatment, a trans woman will have lost any

The science-denier here is the person who claims that “by a year or two into her hormonal treatment, a trans woman will have lost any strength advantages she once had” as if lung capacity, bone structure, and internal organ makeup don’t exist.

Great, glad you recongize that “hormone treatments don’t entirely eliminate the disparity in physical strength”. Hopkins used the strength that he had as a member of the non-birth-class to pin down a member of the birth-class and penetrate her despite her multiple verbal “nos”. I’m hope we both recognize how evil that

You swayed the “debate” in that direction, because it was necessary for you to cobble any kind of argument together to face the reality that sex-assignations are meaningful in the context of rape, a brutal, terrible crime of sex-based physical force.

Skeletal structure isn’t minor and has major implications regarding physical strength. You didn’t misunderstand, assuming you understand that I don’t agree that a year or two of hormonal treatment completely eliminate the strength disparities of birth-categorized sex and all its attendant major, fixed bodily

Yes, I don’t think that you believe that a year or two of hormone therapy changes a male pelvis into a female pelvis or vice-versa.

No, those articles don’t clear up the so-called “misunderstanding” that it isn’t true that the “by a year or two into her hormonal treatment, a trans woman will have lost any strength advantages she once had” due to lung-capacity, bone-structure, internal organ makeup etc. You can’t defend that point because you don’t

If you’re far from Olympic level and the men you know are as strong as average, you’re not stronger than most of the men you know. Fewer than one in a thousand women is even as strong as an average man.

No to what? Strength here means muscular, physical strength, not other forms of strength. Maybe you’re an Olympic-level female weightlifter, and so on a level with just the average, unathletic man in terms of upper-body strength, maybe not, but either way it has no baring on the sociological issue at hand.

Your, a non-lesbian with an axe to grind, opinions about lesbians are worth less than nothing, FYI! I hope we keep making you mad forever.

No, a year or two of hormone treatment (or any amount of time with low-testosterone, high-oestrogen levels) will not change the strength disparities caused by lung-capacity, bone-structure, internal organ makeup, and muscle development. No amount of hormones will give a woman a male pelvic bone or a man a female

No-one’s “outraged”, chill. Your comment was genuinely unclear and directly, literally meant that Lana Del “appropriated LGBTQ culture”... That’s on you, not on other people’s perceived (only by you!) outrage.

How is Lana Del Rey pretending to be LGBTQ? Almost all her songs are very unequivocally about her, a woman’s, sexual relationships with men. Also, how is she “abusive” or in any way comparable to a rapist?

If you think that your dating-life rejections have given you any kind of right to say what “feminist lesbians” as a group believe or do, you’re very much mistaken.

It’s not really respectful to refer to a rape victim as a sexual partner, even with “unwilling” as bracketed aside. By definition, no-one is a “partner” in being raped.

Do you honestly not see how sex-assignations at birth, with all their disparities of physical strength, are relevant to rape?

It’s anti-working-class and just inaccurate to conflate bad politics and a lack of thinking skills with never having taken a college class. The person who created the image and the person who approved its pairing with the article were certainly college graduates.

A fair perspective, but I disagree. For me, someone screaming at the top of their lungs just once breaks the narrative immersion way more than any amount of light pollution.

Good to know, thanks. Unfortunately he (safe to presume it’s “he”, I think...) was already ungreyed.

Yeah, the woman who had a guy repeatedly contact her family members demanding to know where she lives was “pretending” to be scared.