
*highest of fives*

I feel like that's kind of a cop-out that ignores how pervasive this shit is among some of the world's most depressing adults

#gamergate: A first-world problem wrapped in a white whine.

"It's difficult, and I would suggest unwise, to try to coexist peacefully with someone who is working for your destruction."

Gamergaters response to women getting harassed and threatened: Suck it up/You are lying/You did it yourself to get attention/False flag/You're milking it/It's the internet calm down/You were asking for it/That was wrong BUT [insert ways that she deserves it]

You're forgetting that she placed the word 'current' in front to mitigate both the importance of primary, and also highlight the lack of leadership. She's very specifically saying it's a transient population with no clearly defined hierarchy, and while 8chan is the current and primary location (as evidenced by the

I'll be you one thousand dollars the people who are harassing her are the same people who harass all women.

Yeah, I made it through the first four or so of the Mission Earth books. The first one was hilarious, and then the jokes kept repeating for the next three books, and I finally just stopped, angry at myself for not giving up earlier. Battlefield was a snooze fest from beginning to end.


If I believed for a second that you were busy tone-policing the children actually making death and doxxing threats to the same extent, I'd concede that straight away.

Go back to the Red Pill Echo Chamber of Butthurt. No one believes that you care about racial justice for black people, so stop using our blood to justify your attacking people for something as insignificant and stupid as VIDEO GAMES. It is a vile and venal thing to do. Trust me that we black people see right through

But Hubbard's stuff is It's one thing to get weird - it's a whole other ballgame to get weird, and even better in your writing. Hubbard never did that, it always hovered in paperback-pulp territory for me.

When you attack reasonably criticize someone self-identified gamers, they become defensive disgustingly vitriolic and hostile. When someone these sophomoric idiots become defensive disgustingly vitriolic and hostile they cannot outright refuse to be reasoned with. If someone sniveling babies cannot outright refuse to b

So how often have you been driven from your home by threats of violence against you and your loved ones? OR had anything happen to you from the people GG is going after AT ALL?

Won...what? Because you managed to threaten innocent women so much that they had to find new places to stay? Because it was proven that Escapist was biased as hell? Because Intel made a public misstep and ADMITTED it?

You have a weird definition of winning. The only thing you've "won" is that your rampant abuse of

What an asinine bit of undergraduate false equivalence. Gaming culture repeatedly demonstrates its hostility to the mere ideas of self-examination or respect or inclusion or anything that would change the average person's conception of gamers as sullen, entitled, sexually frustrated man-children, and anyone who

That's my biggest question. What were these gamers trying to prove by basically throwing a temper tantrum in her research results? If they aren't all that bad and stuff couldn't they have just answered honestly and the data would reflect that?

Yes, clearly there is only one way in the world to respond to terrorist threats.

idk I think that part's pretty important

This isn't just a hate group, these people are terrorists, and maybe if in the the future the US government treated them like the terrorists they are, we wouldn't see this as much and maybe we'd have a productive conversation.