
1. Don't believe that because GG showed a public effort on twitter to stop him, there wasn't private support for him.

And yet my cabbie just got lost in the 1 mile from the tube station to my house. I had to give him directions from the back seat.

(Normally they are fabulous, I think I just got a dud today).

I think the FBI being brought in for a number of the death/rape threats of GamerGate would show this is no longer the case. Awful people have the megaphone of the Internet, anonymity, and lack of social conscious. They are unfortunately no longer just noise.

"would it be appropriate to treat a puppy-sized spider (or an endangered katydid) this way if it were a human being?"

Because a spider and a human is the same to you? Because they aren't remotely the same to most people. And 'rephrasing' a question, while dramatically shifting the narrative to suit your purpose,

In several computer languages "!" means 'the logical negation of', so "!=" is the negation of =.

"Put simply, a flame is vicious, personal attack on you might make on someone simply because you disagree."

I was just about to post this. Not a single slasher or monster, but damn if it isn't horrifying.

*DING DING DING* Armchair psychiatrist alert!

Nope. Because my identity isn't tethered to a joystick. Sorry for the lack of your life that yours apparently is.

NO ONE claimed that all gamers were bad. Get off your cross for two seconds and see that many, many articles were written about how the stereotypical 'gamer' - basement dweller, socially inept, gross dude - is dead, because gaming is now something everyone likes to do. And what did these assholes in GG do in

"sigh. like telling muslims to disavow islam because of terrorists?"

Nope. It's like telling members of ISIS who claim just a 'few bad apples' are beheading people to get out of the clearly poisonous group.

For the last time, not abiding by simple ToS != censorship.

The icing on the cake was a GGer aligning themselves with the overwhelmingly peaceful Civil Rights movement. The lack of self-awareness is strong in this one.

Wow, 14 articles on the same day? Man, I wonder what the conspiracy was at the school shooting yesterday, because there were 100's of reports that afternoon!

Remember kids, 3rd hand anecdota now equals data!

"For the last month, the media worked at making every gamer feel bad about themselves."

Uh, no. I've been gaming for 2.5 decades, I didn't feel bad one jot, because I wasn't in Gamergate, don't associate with those shit-stains, and therefore had nothing to feel bad about. Don't speak for all gamers.

"After all, as we all know, all Muslims are terrorists."

For that to be an accurate comparison, she would have to say all gamers are Gamergate, which is patently false.

Fuck that noise, he ruined his own career. If you are angry about something, and you say, in public, "I am going to kill my boss", you would be in jail. This dumbass should be happy Gabe isn't pressing charges.

Wait, what?

" Instead, this is like if you got a crappy sandwich at Subway and said — on Jimmy John's forum — "I'll never eat at Subway again. Those fuckers treated me like shit!" and were then banned from all sandwich shops, worldwide."

" why it's so wrong to jokingly make death threats to somebody."

Jesus Christ. How stupid does someone have to be, in 2014, to not realize that

A. Saying you want to kill someone in any medium (radio, print, and yes, internet) is illegal and can get charges pressed against you