
Despite your equivocating about it being cruel to force birth on anyone, you’re clearly NOT pro-choice if you intentionally use terms like “murdering” to refer to a long-from-viable embryo or fetus. As to anyone dismissing the nearly year-long trauma that pregnancy and childbirth as “a few physical scars” tell them it’

I can far more understand the “no abortions period” crowd than I can the “no abortions except...” crowd, even if I disagree with them both.

In November, the LAPD announced that it would begin reviewing random recordings that don’t involve arrests or use of force in order to ensure proper police protocol was being followed and to deter “biased policing.” The footage was uncovered during a random inspection and upon its discovery, the officer was

Why are they allowed to turn them off? Seriously. The entire point of the camera is to make sure their story checks out, but it’s useless if they’re allowed to pause the record whenever they feel like it. The entire point is that they’re doing crap like this when nobody’s looking. They should be docked a day’s pay for

Does someone not having a choice make it somehow not a life worth saving though? I am pro-choice. I don’t understand how forcing someone to give birth to a baby born of rape is less cruel than murdering a baby before it can be born of rape. Isn’t murdering a baby worse than someone having a few physical scars from

“Except in the case of rape or incest” always blows my mind. At least when people are totally against all of it, it’s consistent. When I hear “except if it’s rape tho then it’s fine” all I think is “k so you don’t actually give a shit about babies you just think sluts should have to be punished”.

What I find so infuriating on top of what you pointed out is that so many of these letter writers deem it necessary to print out their full fucking biography in lieu of an actual argument. I don’t care if you had a black friend in kindergarten, or if your grandma had a latinx name, or if you listen to hip hop. It has

Happy to to give you my thoughts on this issue

Bull. I am saying I had better results when I was aggressive in response to unwanted male approach. I also said I was assaulted by a neighbor, which happened twice when I was nine. Having been a victim myself, the last thing I’m going to do is blame someone for being attacked! Are you out of your mind?
I was stalked

As a female person, I had a lifetime of catcalls, attempted rape, attempted kidnapping, stalking and all the rest to contend with. (As a child I was molested by a neighbor.) One thing I found is that when I was aggressive in return, these men were less likely to mess with me. (Of course there’s always the chance this

but you seem to like sniffing up under his ass otherwise you wouldn’t be here. what stormfront has no more room for you?

Are you for fucking real?!?!?!?!?

That’s awesome. RIP, NopeNopejustNope. I would totally die too!

Alright, I have many problems with that...

I saw this go down on Twitter and was so confused. Jameela did not attack Cupcakke’s body, she called her out on promoting a dangerous “diet”. I agree that the eating disorder conversation in the black community needs to be had, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call out someone promoting disordered eating.

Agreed. It also seems like cupcakke is in a way better position to get help than the young girls she might be influencing by promoting this diet. 

Really grateful for many of the commenters here. I felt like I was in Bizarro world reading this. I don’t see how anything Jamil said here was inconsiderate, privileged, racist, or wrong.

am i missing something or is not drinking water for a month somehow not a deranged and unhealthy lifestyle to endorse?

Water fast.... ...for a month.