
Jameela Jamil was absolutely correct in calling out CupcakKe’s foolishness. I remember an article where CupcakKe stated that her wish to retire was also due to her concern of being a bad influence on youngsters. She recognized that sexually explicit lyrics is not appropriate for all ages.

I can’t get behind this at all. Cupcake was wrong to promote a dangerous eating habit and Jamila was right to call it what it was, period. She don’t get a pass to promote disordered eating because she’s black. And visibility of calling it what it is, is important precisely because of the ignorance surrounding eating

This. CupcakKe used her own platform to promote an unhealthy body image for black girls that will undoubtedly pressure some girls to follow suit.

Eagerly awaiting the article about promoting starvation diets to impressionable black youths via social media.

Insensitive, yes - but still a sound critique: a famous person’s platform used to tout a potentially dangerous fast on a fan base that’s likelier to not know any better can still be fatal. Her not being black/not trying to understand some of the cultural aspects that come with our bodies does sting like hell, yes. But

Doesn’t mean Jameela is wrong about it being dangerous if it’s not monitored by a medical professional. It’s essentially starvation. I have yet to read someone with an MD after their name that supporting that for weight loss.

I had an emergency c-section and I wouldn’t have survived those first 3-4 days without actual pain medication. It was still hard a week later if I sat too long in one position or moved the wrong way. I didn’t have to ask (as my doctor is an amazing black woman), but I’ve heard too many women say they were offered

Justin Timberlake?!?!

Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a


Why do people invade spaces for women and demand to know why they aren’t reporting on general world news? How dare you be discussing sexuality when something something Trump!

And yet you responded to it. For someone harping on about priorities you don’t seem to have any better ones.

There is a more important reason against making being a racist an article of impeachment: that it is an issue better resolved in the ballot box than in impeachment.

We’re still in 2019 right?  Where do these men get this shit from? 

As a black father of two girls ages 14 and 17, it is clear to me that the hymens of my children are pretty much none of my business going forward if they ever were at any point in their entire lives. Kudos to you for the educational approach; my dad was an ob/gyn so we got a clinical, fact based sex ed with a heavy

This made me very happy! You’re so right. Literally had a conversation today with a teenage girl who doesn’t use condoms cause her boyfriend “doesn’t like them.” Naturally, she has chlamydia now. I happens it all the time and it kills me.

Thank you for saying stuff that needed to be said. I remember being terrified and embarrassed when my body started changing. My parents handed me some books, which made sense given how I liked to read, but everything was very clinical, to the point where my mother would say “Don’t play with yourself,” and I had no

I think we all have to remember that mothers like you, the one’s that walk their daughters through the significant aspects of women’s health are the one’s that prevent the Larry Nassar’s of the world from preying on our young girls.

I love the idea of taking your kid to the gyno. When I was in middle school and started my period, I had cramps. Severe, bowl me over, throwing up cramps.

Your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!