
I hate to burst your bubble... The Impossible Burger (while delicious!!) is not actually any healthier than a regular burger. They have the same amount of calories, more saturated fat and less protein than beef, and are pretty high in sodium. Just because it’s vegan doesn’t make it healthy, that’s called the health

Seconding the Chicago Diner suggestion! Also, Heartland Cafe has great vegan chili, among other things.

Always wanting the competent WOC to do ALL the work, when they wouldn’t help her beat down her opponent when everyone knew he was cheating.

The wealthy men who most loudly say they ignore their critics are typically the people who most need to start listening to them.

I just want to know whether or not Bret Stephens is sitting at home watching this, loudly applauding with tears streaming down his face.

Yeah, these are all good points to raise.

For someone whose platform has mostly been based on race, he sure doesn’t seem to give much of a fuck for the black Trans people being murdered at an alarming rate.

Now THIS is the discussion that I want to have!

I watched and it felt like his other Netflix efforts—in the wrong decade. If I’m honest, I’ll admit that I don’t find stand up comedy very funny anymore simply because there’s nothing innovative happening with it. I compared the genre to watching a slam dunk contest, Family Guy episode, or reading a Deadpool comic.

Nah. Not it. Not here for anyone making jokes about raping children. Not today, not yesterday, nor next week. Come to my office sometime, you can see what that looks like. You can see what kids who get molested and raped look like and what their future looks like. You want to target grown people, I guess that’s one

And that shit about his life being ruined?  He’s still rich and white and I’m confident he’s going to be just fine.

Ohhhh. Dave Chappelle a bitch. Cool, cool.

Yikes Dave. A bit of a cringey new tightrope Dave is walking here, well, VERY cringe worthy.

Yeah. It’s punching down in a big way.

“What the fuck is your agenda, ladies?”

Good luck, Dave. I watched the hell out of your shit on Comedy Central, I dug your old shit. IDK where you should go now, what you should do - but I don’t think this is it, man. I hear you bought a farm upstate (wherever), maybe grow some hemp or some shit. Send out more pink faceted gay KKK dudes to film as a skit? Yo

Oh well, fuck him.


Cheese was harder to give up than meat.