
Because they are suckers.

Absolutely right. That’s why it took them three days to come up with a response. I wouldn’t be surprised if they told the WH they have to say something and the WH helped them craft the statement that specifically kept Trump out of it.  

This. I’m also not ignoring the fact they allowed themselves (and by extension, their dead son) to be used as props during Trump’s first SOTU address. You know, the one where some dumbsh*ts were saying “he officially became PRESIDENTIAL, y’all.”

I don’t applaud his torture and death, but he did deliberately travel there. Also, I feel like a lot of the same people who decry Otto Wambier’s treatment at the hands of his jailers are all too happy to see American (minorities) mistreated and killed by police.

i am sorry that these parents lost a child. truly. However, these are the same people who publicly bashed President Obama and blamed him for Otto’s death. And now, in this new statement, they are not condemning trump by name - just dancing around it.  I guess the orange pig is more important to them.  shameful.

Those two ladies literally went through all the steps they take when terrorizing black people. You notice how when the police came they reached peak White woman mode? Also note how the cop starts with his bullshit about the car running and him just standing there can be considered assault. He has to remind the black

These bitches have a fucking nerve to demand that the be obeyed as tough they were Queen of the fucking public dog park.

Maximum Derek. 

Only an old billionaire goes to a rub and tug to get doubled up on by two women over the age of 45.

I have wind chimes instead of a penis!

When I read “Manipulating Male 8's genitals” I think:

“at least one other unidentifiable bill”

Nothing “always” works.

The article posted on the local CBS affiliate’s site is chock full of pure MAGA garbage cans.

Can’t be. They had an armed security guard I’ve been reassured over and over by the GOP and the NRA that a good guy with a gun will always stop a bad guy with a gun.

damn i remember when i lived in virginia and shatter didnt even seem like a real thing, just something you saw in magazines and weird early internet forums. guess times have changed since i’ve been gone.

and yes, marijuana was originally used as a scary foreign sounding name by the reefer madness folks to keep white folks away.  its probably not a super big deal, but cannabis is just a better word all around so i figure why not use it?

$12 for a gram of wax holy shit.  no wonder i see people all over the internet taking 3 gram dabs to the face.  prices for concentrates are still seriously high in alaska.

1) a gram of wax costs $12 in Colorado, maybe up to $25. It will, however, keep several people stoned for a couple of days, depending on tolerances/ROI. Two grams of edibles lasts me about a week.