
I am so happy that a man who got 2.86 million LESS votes kept his ill advised campaign promise to that minority of American electorate that voted for him.

As they say, democracy is the theory that the people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Why? Clearly a very specific part of their brains match up and, in my experience, that is critical for long-term compatibility. I say congratulations to them both!

I’m just going to say that if I was an innocent man being accused of a crime of that nature, I would fight tooth and nail to clear my name and even I spit at any notion that the best option is to plead guilty. You fight that shit. Once again, not a lawyer, but pleading guilty to bring less harsh punishments implies

I’m not a lawyer, but I feel like it is in the best interest of an innocent party to say “no, I actually am not a molester of children” as opposed to going with “let’s just say yes, sure did, and see what happens”.

This season, Heimlich has once again been pretty great for the Beavers

I have nothing but great memories working here and covering four World Series, three Super Bowls, three NBA championship runs, a Stanley Cup and two U.S. Opens.

i thought she got famous from the Blurred Lines video where she danced with no top on?

Why isn’t it the roomba that picks up the chalk dust?

If by food you mean coke, then yes.

Exactly my point. I shall spend my Monday night stuffing my face with cheeseburgers and/or wings while watching my precious Yankees, THANKYOUVERYMUCH

Food at an event attended by fa-shun industry assholes, an increasing number of celebrities who are famous doing nothing as opposed to those with actual talent and the nouveau riche? Good one.

So don’t go, sad celebrities. Rihanna’s going to look better than you anyway.

The fucking roomba point guard killed me lol

Matt Harvey loved to party in New York City, but loathed his bosses and coworkers.

Do the Mets really seem like a team capable of managing a Netflix account?

that old bitch with the achingly closeted son

I’m sure she’s not the only person. I’d bet there’s a Ravenel Bridge full of women that have a similar story. He’s far and away the worst. I mean, we watched him gaslight a young woman that he impregnated twice on TV to the point where she legit lost her mind, and then he swooped in and took their kids. Not saying

Why is this show even on? Horrible. That Ravenel guy treats everybody (women)like he’s still a plantation owner. All the men are too old drunk and stupid. And they all treat that old bitch with the achingly closeted son like a queen and it’s annoying as hell. I watched it last night. Lol.

“My client enjoys a certain degree of fame and unfortunately has become—unfairly‚ a target for an individual who has, in my opinion, dubious motivations.”