
Natalie was trash on Big Brother.

Fuck you.

Congrats on your year!

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...just take your star.

The presidency?

Everyone needs to stop and watch Slumber Party Massacre II. It’s amazing.

Seriously, I just want to punch her in the face.

She always looks like she smells something bad.


+ 5 million

Disagree with No Code. Great album.

+5 Million

Can someone please replace that microphone with a photoshopped dick?

I forgot all about that foundation and what it was about. That’s sickening.

I’m just pumped I don’t have to hear Underwood SCREAM that song anymore.

I loved Sliding Doors. Great movie.

I LOVE #notrumpthursday.

Meanwhile at the White House....

That was fantastic.
