Frank Underboob

Now I want a Ruth Bader Ginsburg pinball machine.

No, Bill Pushman.

And the worst thing is that they're mostly right about that. :(

Sure, but it's not like the Dem party didn't know about the Benghazimail shit going in. What kind of moron runs someone that unpopular with most voters & is then shocked, I say SHOCKED! when they lose? Swear to god, I had friends who were rabid Hillary fans arguing that it was a *strength*, not a weakness, if you can

Could be. I remember it being something really tenuous & unlikely to succeed though. So she loses her powers, & is all no big deal about, & of course promptly nearly gets killed in a way she could've stopped if she still had her powers.

Who's Crispin Glover? [researches] Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, he does.

LOL. Nice work.

Yes, that's exactly correct.

Good point. It would've benefited even more from being around 120m shorter.

Try to imagine how much this Australian appreciated it…

A parody of The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, perhaps?

I quite enjoyed Catwoman. Sure, it was no Batman Begins, & it had lots of flaws, but it was no Batman & Robin.

It's entirely possible that I could reach an orgasm while watching that.

I'd say that Top Gun really does have a pretty strong gay element, though. The guys in it flirt with each other like crazy.

Indeed. And let's not forget that Slash is one of the major fan-fic genres for women.

Ugh. Being a child of the 70s whose mother subscribed to Cosmo, I have actually seen that thing. Thank you so much for reminding me of it.

They really played up the American phobia of pubes & pit hair, & the hairy lesbians cliché that goes with it. Back when I was a teen, shaved pubes weren't a thing yet, & lots of women didn't shave their pits either, so that doesn't bother me in the slightest.

You & me both; the non-Jebusy nature of the show is one of the things I love about it. That said, the powers of The True Cross are a truly classic trope, & include healing (see the caption on the last image on the below link), & the Knights of the Templar (they're the ones who hid the thing, IIRC, yes?) were all about

Of course that's common with lots of crime shows, where the major characters do everything at the station but polish the floors.

That's what I remember too.