Frank Underboob

I was assuming that Babs & Tabitha have been bonking ever since Gallivan.

His bit about Fife, Alabama is one of my most favourite comedy routines. When someone doesn't find it funny, I wonder if maybe they're one of the people he's talking about in it.

That probably says more about you than it does about him.

Americans aren't famous for being able to laugh at themselves.

When you want something, but don't want to pay for it.

Anyone who doesn't crack up at his Waffle House routine doesn't have a sense of humour.

Interpol always struck me (not in a bad way) as being a modern take on Joy Division.

I've heard of it, & it's in my queue, but I haven't seen it yet.

You can't call it a Kilgrave 10 if he's not turning people into sex slaves. I'd say he was at 8, tops.

Yeah, they've really made the kid a bit of an arse.

Best fight scene in any show on TV, IMO.

I'm not going to spoiler this season for anyone who hasn't watched the finalé yet, so I'm just going to say, damn, Kohan sure knows how to do a cliff-hanger!

Especially the way she died. Perfect!

Character witnesses are almost always worthless.

A character witness isn't the same thing as a regular witness, hon.

No, it's not.

Even corn on the cob. Yeah, I said it, & I regret NOTHING!

What's Dr Phil's take on that?

Except for the part where she blamed the rape on a bunch of things that weren't her rapist friend being a rapist.