
A PX Ranger is an example from the Army.

The whole Astronaut title thing is what has been bothering me about both the Branson and Bezos flights and the FAA change makes sense. They’re NOT Astronauts because they rode into space. (Whichever definition you’re using for what qualifies as space.)

It’s the equivalent of calling anyone who has taken a trip on an

Even the trailers feel tense to me - enough so that I’m going to skip it. With a kid going off to college, I don’t need more tense aging shit.

I don’t know. Sixth Sense and Unbreakable are pretty solidly reviewed. I mean, he has had some really bad films, but to say this is one if his best definitely gives this film potential in my eyes.

Proving that she doesn’t understand the first amendment only applies to government restriction.

Good for him and fuck all the Hollywood studios.

Aw, you guys didn’t even mention how Yelena even tried out Natasha’s pose herself while on mission?! that was one of the funniest parts!


Goddamn it, I thought I linked it. Well, my name checks out at least. 

For context:

If you fed a computer input under the heading “This Is America As Far As People Like Me Know” this is the program it would come up with

Lol naw I already know I ain’t cool

The camera should slowly zoom out to reveal that this is all taking place in a westworld park.

My daily horoscope said this was going to happen...

You know what they say about anecdotes . . .

Are you really this fucking humorless?

I think you missed the joke that a non sumerged jeep sucks as much as a submerged vehicle. Again, the JOKE. It was a joke you took as him citing a fact it seems. As a jeep wrangler owner, loosen the tight wad ya got bunched up man. Gonna get pissed when someone says Ford means fix or repair daily and doesnt cite facts

Hey, leave Chevy out of this.

Let’s go with that, Lew Schiller, Esq.

I’m not sure, Your Honor. Let’s call it a hunch.