
Yes. I am not a model, but I have spent a miserable amount of time working on my smile too. But I haven’t stopped smiling, thankfully, just accepted a lack of photogenicity.

I just like the voice of the Garmin lady telling me what to do every morning...

you are woefully underestimating the number of people who use navigation and GPS while driving.

“ long as more guns are sold to white people.” They were utterly silent about Philando Castile.

Ha, gotcha. Honestly didn’t realize LaPierre had been around that long. What a disgusting legacy.

What I want to know is how Sarah Gilbert can work with Roseanne at this point. She’s an out lesbian, ffs. How can she support this?

It was. LaPierre basically led a coup of the NRA in 1977, and Heston was president 1998-2003.

It sure seemed like a marketing arm for Big Gun during the Hesston years as well, if not earlier.

I think you are undervaluing their contempt. Stubbed toes are rated way hight. Maybe a small hangnail is where they rate flogging a slave

LaPierre made the NRA a marketing arm for the gun lobby after his coup. They just didn’t bother telling anyone. They don’t care who has guns, just as long as more guns are sold.

Sure, why not.


At least it wasn’t Cigar Aficionado.

That guy was more coherent than the President even when he was hung over and half asleep.

Countdown until ICE agents are a protected class and jokes turn into “hate crimes”

His conversation with the agents comes across as ridiculously coherent, given that he was just woken up and hungover. I’d be all “Huh? I make funnies. Why u mad?”

Sorry, I thought the America-hating libs part would make it clear I was being facetious.

There is a reason why Oliver North has been chosen to lead the NRA — gun manufactures need someone that knows how to illegally sell weapons to Iran.

I love it when people are so passionate about something that can easily be disproved with a 30 second Google

More of these GEORGE ZIMMERMAN PUNCHED IN THE FACE stories, please!