
This the Tour de Frace EXTREME!!!

It must be awesome to be shameless because you guys fully support an admitted sexual predator but hold others in a much higher standard. Liberal made a bad joke, get rid of him!!!! Conservative molested teenagers.. fake news, move on.

Who are the biggest freeloaders?  Red states. 

Talk is cheap. Red states get more federal funds than blue states. A couple of red states take back more than they pay in taxes. Plus Conservative politicians have been seeking exemptions for the laws they have been passing, like people on welfare have to work, massive subsidies, asking for more subsidies to offset

Except conservative voters are the biggest freeloaders.  They have a belief brown people are taking up the lions share of social programs so they want to do away with them.  But exempt themselves, red states seek all sorts of exemption from the laws they pass.

She should have never taken a job which requires lying all day. She figured her dad does it, how hard could it be.

Put a banana in it.

How are they controlling an entire industry?  For the health and safety of the citizens, they took action.  Pollution kills.

6 monkeys died cutting down that tree to make that wood.

If this happened with a regular car manufacturer, they’d have to calculate the maiming and lawsuits vs cost of recall.

California right now has stricter emission standards and yes, car makers do have to make cars specifically for California.  And the doesn’t seem like a problem at all.

For those of us old enough to remember, the reason California has stricter emission laws is because smog was a common problem in Cali when federal emission laws were almost non-existent. Federal laws can often be lax, each state has a right to dictate how clean they want their air and water to be. Especially with an

The real sad part is if any of the people who lost their jobs was a conservative, they’d think it was the right thing to do. 

Pubs falling back on what they do best, bigotry and mud slinging. She is a woman, not a little girl.

It happened because there is no fact checking on Fox.  They saw names and didn’t bother to check if it was the right person.  It’s not an actual new channel, people think because “news” is in it’s name it means something.  It’s a propaganda machine.

Basically yea, it’s like people that call liberals bigots for being intolerant of their intolerance.

They exploited my state of mind for profit and notoriety,

Trumptards are never happy when confronted with facts and reality.

The value of any collectable is based almost entirely on perception.

People like Palin and these other conservatives are pissed their true selves were revealed.