
Saying you like Chickfila is one thing, but when people say they love chickfila or their food is delicious are two different things.

No, to say it’s a good chicken sandwich is one thing but people say things like I LOVE THIS CHICKEN SANDWICH. That’s like saying the Big Mac is delicious because they’ve never eaten an real burger before.

Your friend is an asshole.

If I eat at a diner all they give is napkins to wipe my hands and mouth.. am I supposed to pocket those napkins?? Or are you talking about people using tissues to blow their nose?

I have to ask, to the people who say Chickfila is really delicious.. do you guys ever go to a real restaurant? Is fast food a regular part of your meals every week? Because I find it edible but I don’t find it any better than any other fast food sandwich. Being the best garbage is still garbage.

I’ve had Chickfila a few times and I have yet to see what’s so great about it. It might be the best fast food chicken sandwich around but it’s still shit.

As a yankee I have to admit, yes I enjoy cracker barrel whenever I find one and I actual do think that is how real southern food tastes.

Olive garden is third? Olive garden is disgusting, I guess chick fil A is the best chicken sandwich in the sea of disgusting chicken sandwhiches.  This list is obviously complete nonsense. Did they only survey bottom feeders?

Makes perfect sense, who else would a rapist pussy grabber want by his side?

I know this sounds cruel but I can’t wait for the midwest and southern people to start losing their jobs, then realize they have no access to obamacare to help when they get sick, massive cuts to medicare, suddenly all the social funding is gone and they’re left with nothing but their own regret. But I have a feeling

Trump wasn’t content with his own pathological lying.. he has to make the entire country out to be liars as well. Breaking treaties and agreements with global leaders and make liars out of the military.  For years the military promised immigrants if they fought for this country they can become a citizen of this

He doesn’t work there anymore.  Sonoco let his racist ass go!

It never surprises me how people try to justify racism.  I bet you cried like a bitch when Sanders was refused service however.

Are these two assholes still trying to negotiate with Trump?  Democrats need to clean house as well, these spineless wafflers aren’t doing us any good.

They’re only as dangerous as people are stupid.... so extremely dangerous.

During Obama’s administration the GOP stopped hidding their disdain for the middle class and openly attacked us.

Just sounds like data mining to me. 

The corvette might do better overseas if the price was reigned in.

They already do build cars and trucks here.

They all flip, in Trump’s circle of scumbags there’s no loyalty.  As long as everyone’s making money they claim loyalty but they all know, Trump will turn on the and vice versa at the first sign of problems.