
Children have high metabolisms so most likely yes.


Like my favorite t-shirt says

I’ll agree it’s all on the murderer. But let’s be real, they paid her shit. $500 a week for a nanny is nothing. We paid double that and we’re middle class people.

Parents: Ban Devilman the anime show now. But watch it yourself if you enjoy anime.

“No one at the Trump Organization, including the Trump family, has any recollection of ever meeting or speaking with this individual.”

I’d be scared to rat on Putin as well.

Who knows. These days they setup so many sites. I’m not sure if this is legit at all. But Judging from the article, i’m going to say no.

Prison. Because that’s where he’ll be.

I bet you’re not even a little embarrassed about how ignorant and uninformed you are.

So you’re saying the crash caused an economic crash? Because it didn’t. Under Clinton the economy went up and never came down. So Bush didn’t clean anything, you can say he did but you’d look pretty stupid if you did.

This railway system is waiting to fail and fail in a big way. As is the NYC subway. If we hurt everyone is going to hurt.

My lifetime. Regan=economic crash, Clinton=Cleaned up economy Bush Jr=Economic crash, Obama=Cleaned up economy

(the “/s” is clearly implied, right? you know what, I’ll just play it safe)

Dems held both houses and the Presidency when Obama first took office but lost it after the 1st year. Were you in a coma or something? Congress literally blocked anything and everything Obama tried to do.

Well, my after-tax pay went up like $20 a paycheck. So, that’s cool for the next ten years.

Remember when the GOP stood for fiscal responsibility? Remember when they were pro-law enforcement?

Many of those are not achievements, they’re actually disgraceful. This is why Trump loves the poorly educated.

But no e-cigarette product should ever be considered “safe,”

Around the 80's when everything was deregulated and trickle down economics was proven to be a failure. Yet it keeps happening for some reason.