It’s a thing here in the US as well. Men do it to rape women, women do it to men to rob them. It’s not uncommon.
It’s a thing here in the US as well. Men do it to rape women, women do it to men to rob them. It’s not uncommon.
We need to stop giving this soulless right wing shill any kind of coverage.
He’s... meh.. no one is a fan of his. He’s kind of all over the place and is pretty shady. He’s more of a fake liberal. He didn’t do anything completely fucked up, but he didn’t do anything great either. If there was anyone viable running he’d be out. You have to remember NYC is a socially liberal town but is also the…
I can’t believe there isn’t another viable Democrat to go against DeBlasio. The Republican candidates are just disasters. DeBlasio is literally running unopposed.
Sadly a large portion of the people benefiting from Obamacare are Trump voters. And they still support Trump
I’m a gamer so 4k is pointless unless you have dual 1080's. 1440 at 144hz is supreme right now.
I’m a gamer so 4k is pointless unless you have dual 1080's. 1440 at 144hz is supreme right now.
LOL.. read the story? what madness is this?
Most class action lawsuits are nonsense, but if cases like this, they need to be able to file a class action lawsuit.
And no one goes to jail. This is identity theft and fraud. Retaliation against whistle blowers and they still claim the CEO knew nothing. This fucking country is completely out of control. The rich and powerful have been getting away with this shit for way too long.
Anyone who thinks they’re not being watched and tracked by the NSA, CIA or FBI on tor they’re sadly mistaken. They’ve come a long way since they shut down the silk road.
I should have read the comments before posting.. I even used the same pic LOL.
They got nothing on the Reliant Robin, created the best episode of Top Gear ever.
I thought kalanax was just trying to say, this is how normal women look..
No you didn’t because Bernie wasn’t on the Presidential ballot you fucking pathertic homophobe. Who’d you really vote for? The Green party? Libertarian? Or did you not vote at all? Any of those choice nullifies you from the conversation anyway. If you don’t have the fucking balls to make a real choice stay home and…
Because it’s complete bullshit. These assholes think they’re safe because they have a gun on them. Meanwhile when the shit hits the fan, where’s these hero gun totin’ cowboys?? Turns out even if you’re armed, it doesn’t stop you from getting shot! For every home owner who stopped a crime with their gun, there’s 10…
So your answer is no, you don’t feel ashamed for flat out lying and spreading misinformation. Of course you don’t, Trump supporters never do.
Did enough people set you straight yet? Feel stupid for spreading bullshit yet?
Yea let’s do nothing, that’s always the best thing to do.
Just more affirmation that Papa John’s is a shit business with a shit CEO. Endorsement from the Klan just says you’re being a racist. Klan endorsed Trump as well.
We need an investigation into where his neck and chin went.