So he sold all their stuff worth 20 grand in real money but can’t cash out? What is the law on digital goods with real world value?
So he sold all their stuff worth 20 grand in real money but can’t cash out? What is the law on digital goods with real world value?
You still could have got a Trump joke in there. Sir ; )
Does apologizing mean anything anymore? Every asshole unleashes a barrage of apologies after they’re caught.
Turner spent more time in jail than 97 percent of rapistsever do.
Trumps team are saying it’s a firable offense? Trump has said much worse things, and has proven to be a white supremacist supporter.
Crack, meth, heroin.. yea there’s lot’s of other reasons to be hanging out at 3am in a parked car.
Look at her smug look on her face while getting her mug shot. She definitely has all the symptoms of affluenza.
It’s true, taking the high road and all this niceties.. that shit failed. The Republicans railroaded us and laugh at what pussies we’ve become. No more bullshit.
Cops aren’t to hold people’s hands and if you call them and have been drinking they certainly won’t be pleased to see you back to your car.
You tell the cops there’s an angry homeless guy by your car and you can’t get to your car. So YES! The fucking cops will come and got her into her car! That’s what cops do!!
Or call the cops like a normal person.
Maybe it’s just me but growing up and today girls always seem to hold hands, go arm in arm.. that doesn’t mean they’re dating or anything sexual.
He’s just chewing his oxycotin, you get the full effect when you crush them. Ask Rush Limbaugh.
Funny how Ann Coulter sees stupid things like this. I wonder how she sees at all with her eyes so sunken into her skull.
Have you seen how much makeup they slather on their female “anchors”?
Seriously! They tried to make this specimen of the master race look bad!!!
Everyone should be wary of those Canadians who still insist they’re French.
As always, Kjellberg doeshave defenders, some of whom believe using the n-word does not make you a racist
No your not, you’ll be back on youtube before the day is over.