
Nope. I’m dressing comfortable.

Those are places to keep the homeless people from setting up camp there.

What is going on with Lidabashi Station? From station to bridge??

Is there anyone who becomes rich and famous that doesn’t go nuts of groupies?

This car is desirable? I didn’t realize how far removed I was from the car culture.

this is true but was true of Hillary voters as well. As long as there are only two white candidates then is a choice between two racists.

This country is full of racists that’s why.

I was fired because of the Liberal agenda, Benghazi and Hillary’s emails.

It’s relevant that the President of the United states is trying to pass unconstitutional laws and bills.

I fully blame the organizers for allowing a ridiculous bug to be used.

Maybe they should have patched this apparently well known bug before the tournament.

But what Trump and this guy is trying to do is?

They should because large cities pay the bulk of the entire countries taxes.

The Nazi takeover of Trumps new America.

We all know what infowars is, but Trump supporters still count it as “real news”

He’s a Video blogger.

What? Are these better?

“a conservative voter integrity group, said in its report.” That’s all anyone needs to know about the article. Still no actual evidence outside of their own “report” 

Twitter, inforwars and Facebook.... LOL.. not even kidding.

And yet you think there’s no evidence of Trump and Russia in spite of mountains of evidence, but some tweets about illegals voting and you claim there’s evidence of it?