Deutsche Bank will be central to all of this.
Deutsche Bank will be central to all of this.
There’s always something. Some numbers to a bank account can lead to many things.
The big question, will Trump start a war to try to avoid arrest?
I love/hate Texas. Ever Texan I know is kind hearted and pretty progressive. But then again, they moved to NYC for a reason. But I do know many part of Texas is very modern, multicultural, tolerant and progressive, but time and time again the laws coming up in Texas is so archaic. It’s a big state but it’s being…
Dude.. how old are you? Do you really have no concept of women at all? Do you have any female friends? Ask your mom. Men always think, “she didn’t fight back so she much be ok with it” Women don’t always lash out like men.
How sad we’re even talking about this again. Are we great yet?
Who said he was a mastermind? If you look at his business deals, he’s a kid with billions who has overpaid for many many properties. His father is a crook and so is he. As is his inlaws.
This is what goes through my mind when people talk about the “good ol days”
Does anyone really not know their intentions? His supporters voted for him based on bigoted rants. This is exactly what his supporters want, anyone feigning ignorance is just making believe they’re not a racist piece of shit.
Who isn’t. Jobs, Gates... all huge dicks. Being a dick is one thing, being evil is another. He’s trying to create newer and better things not just create something insidious for profit.
Yes companies like Exxon Mobile and Comcast are much more deserving of our tax dollars to give them more profits. They shouldn’t go to someone who actually wants to build something and create new technology.. that’s just stupid.
Oil companies that make billions a month in profits for some reason get billions more in subsidies.. for what? At least Musk is building something new.
So reality stars talking shit to each other can result in law suits? The entire genre is at risk because that’s all reality shows are, people talking and doing fucked up shit to each other. It should have been tossed out of court for nonsense.
I predict a lot of douche bag wall st guys are going to get their own reality show. It’ll be the new trend.
Yes because she had many high powered wealthy clients.
The only thing that truly hurts religion is intelligence, science and constructive thinking.
Why did the Dems believe this obvious conservative miraculously decided to become a Democrat? Sometimes .. I don’t know about my party.
He did the deed then ran off without paying. He got busted but it’s the trans workers fault for outting him?
A true patriot in Trumps America.
“Well, I posted something on Facebook that made a lot of people mad,” he wrote. “Well, I’m sorry for what happen. Ya have a blessed day.”