
That’s just a lot of hot air, the real source of the gas

.... a safe that looks like a safe.

Worst safe idea because sneakers are valuable, plus people always use shoeboxes to put things in, even valuables.

Man, hipsters ruin everything. Vaping is actually a much safer alternative to people who cannot quit, or wish to wean themselves off cigarettes. But I wish people who vape treat it like a real cigarette. Blowing smoke around and announcing “it’s only water vapor” doesn’t help.

They’re not just as bad, the latest research which found vaping to cacinogenic but it’s was 100 times less carcinogenic than smoking. Yes 100 times. It’s it safe, of course not, inhaling smoke or chemicals is never safe. But if you’re going to keep smoking, try vaping instead. It’s exponentially safer.

She may have been a huge Bernie supporter but he’s no longer in the running. She made a choice, it’s either Trump or Hillary. She chose Hillary.

Why? You want Trump to become President of the United States so he can put a conservative in the Supreme Court? Why would a non-white person be a Trump supporter anyway?

Ralph Naders was financially supported by Republicans. It’s no coincidence the disruptive Bernie supporters are mostly white men.

How am I supposed to hide my cocaine and sex toys??

GoPro studios.

You know the old saying, after the first billion it’s just gravy. Going from 5 to 3 billion, do you even notice?

I totally get your side, I much prefer the “It’s the next gens problem” than the “let’s stop research into clean renewable” crowd. Going along for the ride and trying to derail progress are worlds apart. It’s difficult to care when you have enough going on in your life, especially if you don’t have kids. But there’s

It still takes some effort, it’s like those guys that got in the ring with Mike Tyson, got millions to get punched out in first round. They fought their way to the prize fight, and got the harsh taste of blood and reality. But got paid a shitload to do it.

He’s actually worth less than he was a decade ago.

I tried reading, but started scrolling faster and faster until I just wanted to get to the end.

It’s worthless to everyone else, but for VZ it’s an easy way to enter the market. Yahoo revenue and profits are relatively tiny, but for 5 billion, it’s money in the bank for VZ.

Yep, it’s usually just to save some embarrassment of the CEO being booted.

It’s almost like this was where the board wanted to go and chose a patsy to blame. They knew she wasn’t ready to be a CEO, they knew Google had diminished her role in the company, they knew fixing Yahoo was a monumental task. She did a terrible job, but I’m not sure if anyone could have saved Yahoo. Maybe if someone

What about cars and boats... people always call them she as well.

Most likely you’d have to log into Windows Live or something.