Well if Hillary can be blame for Melanies plagerism... why not just blame her for everything. They actually already did blame Hillary for Trump didn’t they?
Well if Hillary can be blame for Melanies plagerism... why not just blame her for everything. They actually already did blame Hillary for Trump didn’t they?
The RNC just keeps getting better and better!!! Trumps hate has emboldened the GOP to stop sugar coating their core beliefs.
Seriously? You don’t know Bernie Bros came up with that name for themselves? How oblivious are you ?
little liberal followers think it’s completely democratic to fear monger people into voting for her. Adorable but sad.
I’ll be voting for Hilary because I’m a coward whose principles get thrown into the river the moment The Fear from thinking of a Trump Presidency kicks in.
Or I can just not vote at all since the options are shit.
Actual progressive take part in the election process. They make tough decsions and choose who will lead this nation. Progressives don’t vote third party then walk around talking about how progressive they are that they didn’t vote for either candidates. The OP is saying, stop being fakes and maybe actually be a…
He should keep posting it until it gets through to people. It’s a two party system, stop being cowards and choose. It’s a simple message.
Bernie Bros came up with that name for themselves.
He’s saying either take part in the two party system or get the fuck out of the way. Third party voters opnions are meaningless, just like third party votes.
Best speech at the RNC, the only one that made sense and wasn’t based on fantasy.
You’re absolutely throwing your vote away.
Libertarians make the GOP looks like Einsteins.
have something to hang over everyone else’s head and feel important and like he’s somehow, better than everyone else.
Why be a coward and throw your vote away? Make a choice for who is going to lead this country and live with it. Don’t be a fucking self righteous bullshitting asshole and vote for a third party that you know for a fact has no chance at becoming President.
My iPhone is filled with Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Judas Priest.. I’m right there with you brother. And yea, I have a handful of new artists, even pop music. I listen to a new song over and over again, then go back to my old heavy metal music.
I’m not ignoring her mistakes, she has made mistakes. The email server was understandable, but it was a mistake. It wasn’t illegal and it was a huge waste of tax payer time and money. I’ve moved beyond her mistakes and looking forward to her abilites to run this country, as opposed to Trumps inability to run his own…
Yea, that’s over, you guys lost AGAIN. Now Trump deleting 1000's of emails pertaining to his scam Trump University.. that will be addressed in court soon enough. And it’s possible he’ll have to answer to bribing at least two government officials to drop fraud charges against Trump University as well. Should be fun to…
The second anyone, anywhere can find one redeemable quality about Trump they’ll start talking about it. Until then, hillary bashing is all they have.
I’m sure it’ll work if you wore it today.