Stupidity, pure unadulerated stupidity. I’ve always said, anyone who is a Republican that isn’t a rich white christian male are idiots.
Stupidity, pure unadulerated stupidity. I’ve always said, anyone who is a Republican that isn’t a rich white christian male are idiots.
Christie’s weight is not a joke, when a man gets a surgical lap band and never losses any weight it’s downright frightening.
So what was the arguement that Republicans aren’t misogynists again? I especially find it funny and typically hypocritical that they have a Hitlery shirt, meanwhile the RNC is a mecca for white supremacists.
They are welcoming anyone who accepts rich white male christians are the master race.
Most of the antiwar drugged out hippies grew up to be heartless greedy Yuppies. Things never change.
Journey, Styx, Guns and Roses, and many many other bands from the 70's, 80s and 90s are back on tour because fans get old but their taste in music stays the same.
I guess we now now what happens when an asshole enters a room full of bigger assholes. That’s saying a lot when a person famous for being an asshole is the voice of reason in a hall full of Republicans.
Just as you can hate the artist but love the art, you can love the artist, but hate the art. Or something like that.
Even low level trolling would come still be intelligent trolling when you’re before a crowd that boos science. I mean holy shit.. you couldn’t make that stuff up.
Um .. GOD gave us all of that!! ..... LOL.. just kidding.. you’re completely on point.
She’s so happy because she the government is finally going to get rid of these kids. Now she can go party in her corvette.
To be fair.. it was true.. more Drs did prefer Camel cigarettes :D
I loved sitting in the back of the station wagon. Me and my friend would be sliding all over the back laughing our asses off. Then we’d cough alot because all the adults were smoking. Good times!!
I believe he had a My Little pony figure shoved up his ass for the entire interview.
The reality is it’s a win win for Trump. If he loses to Hillary he’s going to say.. he was helping Hillary the entire time. He fooled everyone and he the greatest thing that ever happened for this country. He made Hillary the first female President.. HE did.
Both religions are awful and responsible for many many deaths.
It’s pretty much in line with Trumps explantion on why it’s ok his VP supported Iraq, and why it’s not ok Hillary did.
People make paintings like that as a sterotype joke, suddenly you realize.. it’s dead on.
Since when does truth and facts stop a Conservative? Trump is proof that the more crazy the lie the better.
Not sure if it counts since he said it on TV not at the convention. But Steve Kings comment is pretty insane.