
i3 is a technological feat, but that doesn’t change the fact it’s pretty hideous looking. i8 hits the super car nerve the same way a Ferrarri does. But to say the i3 has moved the industry forward is an incredible overstatement. I don’t thinks it’s moved anyone. If you’re talking about advancement in electric cars

Isn’t that usually the case for all voters?

“That’s an insult to my intelligence. I have the ability to think on my own.”

I love these style homes, it’s modern. But I can see how they can be viewed as sterile and cold. I think the furniture and layout can bring warmth into it.
I can also see how the i3 can be viewed as hideous.. because it is.

If you watch those million dollar home construction shows, the owner always had a great deal of input. I want a pool here, big windows here, floating stairs, vaulted ceilings etc etc.. that doesn’t make them the designers of the home.

So for Samsung SD cards, there’s EVO, EVO+, Pro, Pro+, and now select. Can we get a comparison chart?

So for Samsung SD cards, there’s EVO, EVO+, Pro, Pro+, and now select. Can we get a comparison chart?

The fact Trump chose him already tells you this guy is a fucking nut job.

So you’re saying he’s the perfect VP for Trump. Trump was too focused on racism.. need some more religous woman hating crazy in there.

Holy shit, I thought that book was photoshopped. At least he understands what Conservatism is all about. His next book should be “Oppress Gay, Girls and Godless heathens.”

Normally I’d think this is funny but these assholes usually end up killing someone.

Novice when it comes to mechnical keyboards but is cherry mx a brand or do high end manufacturers use cherry mx switches? Can you suggest an entry or midrange mechanical keyboard?

Novice when it comes to mechnical keyboards but is cherry mx a brand or do high end manufacturers use cherry mx

Some traditions need to go away in the 21st century, torturing animals is one of them.

Keep the Football team strong... or protect children from this child rapist. What kind of fucked up piece of shit would choose the former.

We’re they legally obligated to report it right away? Maybe they wanted to review the incident to be prepared for the deluge of media. This is a very important point in history, the first person killed while using a semi-autonmous car. Not making excuses but wondering if any laws were broken

It’s disgusting how the women of Fox are standing up for the molestor... oh wait.. Republican women.

That’s why his lawyers are claiming that this should not go to court but to arbitration because of their confidentially clause. But no, you cannot stop someone from speaking about a crime committed unless you accepted money to keep quiet.

Are those photoshopped? because those are the cutest faces...

You can use your tap without your echo in same area?

You can use your tap without your echo in same area?

Trump just announced this guy might be a better VP than his hot sweet assed daughter.