
You’re making a terrible, terrible mistake by not washing new clothes right away, as some poor putz in Bangladesh might have sneezed into those boxer briefs or that snappy dress shirt months ago.

Maybe he was just angry because he fucked a model with a bleached asshole and got bleach on his T shirt like an asshole. People are assigning WAY too much depth to this annoying hack.

And his drooling fans are EXACTLY the same people who think Sheen is totally fucking hilarious and still proudly sport their “tiger blood” T-shirts when they hit the swap meet.

Unfortunately the federal government is not a business, it’s prmary goal is not to turn a profit for shareholders and executives. Then of course his beer-drenched fans will say “WE’RE the shareholders!” which is of course just total nitwittery.

And he tries to pretend those bankruptcies were merely strategies that didn’t hurt anyone, just “business”. What he fails to mention that in coprorate bankruptcies the creditors at the bottom of the list get fucked hard in the ass. If the orange freak’s company owed the Chinese restaurant down the street, say, $3000

Hopefully “the press” keeps on digging, as there’s plenty of dirt of the orange bag of soggy cocks if only “the media” would stop fawning all over the fucking guy. Millions of people have “built things” over the centuries, it’s not as impressive as his slobbering flea-bitten fans seem to believe.