
@gifpaste: I've heard that first-timers can get nauseous, as it is disorienting to not have the basic sounds you create as a person moving in a room bounced backed to you.

Just please god don't give him a facial scar that cuts across his cheek and eyebrow.

@Sabbatai: Agreed, way better in every respect.

@Sabbatai: Delusions? Halucinations? Alien beings using comfortable metaphor for human's sake?

@imercenary: Then did you attempt suicide after the finale?

Awesome game.

Nice, you definitely get my vote, and not just because you starred me ;)

Fast Company: What kind of coffers need fuel?

@Gaz: I was running from guards and the few that were chasing me suddenly stopped in place and starting cloning themselves.

Now playing

While not nearly as creepy as these photos, I took this video of Assassin's Creed 2.

What about Christianity and Islam?

I'm holding out for the "Eminem Bandaid" myself.

Im not on facebook :(

@Gogozombie: "Hitler is a douche only because he lost" - Gogozombie.

@Gogozombie: You miss unbiased journalism? What, are you from La La Land, or the Land of Make Believe?

My wife got an iPhone 4. I still have the 3Gs. After playing around with it for a day or so, I decided to get one.

Good writeup Brian.

@hercules_100_98: I think sending 100s of texts to yourself in order to get your sister in law put in prison rightfully constitutes douchebaggery, quite possibly, scumbaggery.

@R.b.3: Do you live in a log cabin somewhere in the woods? Are you a locavore — consuming only locally produced in-season foods that you or someone you know personally has grown?

"The list's one saving grace is that it includes BP. Effing BP, the oil conglomerate that's single-handedly turned the Gulf of Mexico into an oily, unprofitable shithole. Don't get too excited though"